Indoor SAWNEY BEAN. Pssst! Over here.

S.O.S gen3
Some dry Lecter buds.
Just cut them and hung them from a nearby tree branch.
Got a bit more sunlight on them, not ideal, and it was too hot, but there ya go.
Sticky as hell, even just cutting the nugs and putting them into a jar.



That was the slightly smaller one.
She was a bit skunky musky when drying, but not has a light citrus / lemon to her.
Colors held a bit more, so still a little green.
Not the tightest trim, but when the little sugar leaves are this sticky, why waste them??

Then the bigger one with more color:


You can see some of the purple under the trichomes on the main stem calyxes.
She's lost more green, so the buds are golden yellow now, with hints of purple showing through.

It's stickier than the one above.
Sitting in the jar for a few days before rocket launch.

Meanwhile, the younger plants in the field are doing okay.
They had a few hot days without water, but are surviving okay.
Stretch is done there, for sure.
And now they are sending out lots of little tufts of fluffy white pistils into the sun.
I'm figuring most of them will be as big if not bigger than this larger Lecter above.
I think one of the Nugs is already showing purple.

Blaze on brothers and sisters.
And free da 'erb!

You’re going to need more than that with how much you smoke bro. Lol :biggrin:
Nice frosty looking bud dude. :thumbsup:
Yeaa! I love a cone all day , every hour , half hour and quarter hour. :baked: yea!!. My hand is never empty