Indoor SAWNEY BEAN. Pssst! Over here.

so crazy illegal nature, and the legal shit is a net negative. simple things made complex, want to grow a plant No, try these gas station edibles instead.
It's a backwards realm we inhabit mate. No sense from nonsense . :nono:
At some stage these maniacs will make it mandatory, no S.Meter no power...
They're already trying that with the "your old meter may not be accurate", "you are required", etc. No it fucking isn't, and no I fucking am not! I just ignore the cunts.
Agree...they don't care about weed where I's fetnoyl , guns, and ice.....they could care less about growing....they would slap you on the wrist...we are allowed to grow 18 plants...with a license....I don't have...
We're still in the past here when it comes to weed, or drugs of any sort. Suits big business and politicians because they can make money out of growing medicinal cannabis at commercial scale (paying tens of thousands for licences). But the little guy gets it in the neck from the pigs and the courts. Fucking ridiculous situation. Also Big Pharma make millions from sedatives, tranquillisers, anti-depressants, etc. They don't want weed legalised in case it eats into their profits...
The stupid bit is you can have one plant say has 20oz on it and get done less then you would if you grow ten plants with 15 oz in total on them well fucked up law thats why i grow 4 big plants instead of 10 small pots
I agree mate.
If all you need is a "growdrobe" then you ain't selling .

I had CBD plants with 0.2% THC growing plus seeded plants and only rudiralis cross strains known as "autoflowers" and half were male plants . My total outcome will be 6 /8 larger plants and small single branch test plants plus seeds.
Lol :vibe:
Anyway, I'm so fucking angry I'm going to blow a gasket. Better go outside and calm down a bit. @Sawney_bean I hope you get on alright mate, I'm really sorry this has happened to you. Lawyers that know what they're doing is a good start.
Take a wee chill step mate .
I'm ok mate and taking it easy , so don't work yourself up over my stupidity and mishaps. :rofl: Wooooossahhh grasshopa.
The uk is the biggest exporter of medical weed 420 tons a year thats why it not leagal treaser may other half is part of it goverment can grow and sell it takes the fcking piss
oh it winds me up rotten DEl Boy - once the monopoly they are building is ready they will legalise the lot - this way Mr abd Mrs normal JOnes will never be able to get a foot on teh cannabis ladder once it opens up

BOOTS on the high street has pain clinic now that is 100% legal cannabis...
LEVA, look behind the scenes it is another UK canna growing firm creating that monopoly to keep us out..... :cuss: :cuss: