Indoor SAWNEY BEAN. Pssst! Over here.

I don't know how things are in the US, but in the UK certain categories of offender are segregated from the general prison population due to the risk of violence against them. Pretty sure sex offenders are one of those categories. So unlikely you'd bump into them at meal time or in the exercise yard, unless you were one yourself...! There's even a slang word - nonce - for these offenders, which allegedly came from the acronym N.O.N.C.E. that would be written by guards on the cell door. It stands for 'not on normal courtyard exercise'. This is a shorthand for any sex pest, but probably there would have been other, maybe vulnerable inmates who were on this regime, not because they were 'beasts'.
They put sex offensive people on regular population in prison here unless ...we tell them they can't walk the yard and check in....then they go their little fairy way to the hole and won't walk another yard...protected custody.....I'm not a bad or mean person but I do have beliefs not to ruin a child's life .
What's your B plan, you might have to move your grow space or maybe shut down for a bit, it depends on if you were shopped or discovered, as to what risk they think you might pose, with respect to supply.

I'm convinced they keep tabs on anyone they pull for cultivation. The narrative of anti-social behaviour and gang affiliation connected to grows is even being played on the radio as public propaganda. Asking neighbours to keep a look out for suspicious activity..:cuss:
What's your B plan, you might have to move your grow space or maybe shut down for a bit, it depends on if you were shopped or discovered, as to what risk they think you might pose, with respect to supply.

I'm convinced they keep tabs on anyone they pull for cultivation. The narrative of anti-social behaviour and gang affiliation connected to grows is even being played on the radio as public propaganda. Asking neighbours to keep a look out for suspicious activity..:cuss:
I will be up and running soon mate. I wasn't grassed on. It was my fault.
They know I'm only a personal grower and i can prove it.
I have great neighbours that are behind me. All old fucks willing to give statements .
One neighbour was giving the cops hell for disturbing me lol .
I will be back as soon as I can gather the equipment.

Cheers buddy.
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I will be up and running soon mate. I wasn't grassed on. It was my fault.
They know I'm only a personal grower and i can prove it.
I have great neighbours that are behind me. All old fucks willing to give statements .
One neighbour was giving the cops hell for disturbing me lol .
I will be back as soon as I can gather the equipment.

Cheers buddy.

Great that your neighbours have got your back, but cultivation is still an offence. Okay, first time offender, but with that number of plants, you're surely facing criminal charges and a trial? Or did they let you off with a caution? Find that last hard to believe: maybe for a handful of plants, but you had quite a few.

Obviously tell me to mind my own business if I'm overstepping the mark. But if I'd just had the fuzz confiscate all my girls and grow setup, I'd be keeping a very low profile until my lawyer had assured me no prosecution was on the way.
P.S.:- I won't link to it here, but suggest you search up:

Sentencing Guidelines
Production of a controlled drug/ Cultivation of cannabis plant
Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.4(2)(a) or (b), Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.6(2)

No problem to buy a grow setup, but maybe grow some chillies or something in the meantime? Because it sounds to me like this is still an ongoing investigation...
Great that your neighbours have got your back, but cultivation is still an offence. Okay, first time offender, but with that number of plants, you're surely facing criminal charges and a trial? Or did they let you off with a caution? Find that last hard to believe: maybe for a handful of plants, but you had quite a few.

Obviously tell me to mind my own business if I'm overstepping the mark. But if I'd just had the fuzz confiscate all my girls and grow setup, I'd be keeping a very low profile until my lawyer had assured me no prosecution was on the way.
I can prove all I make is for me. The lawyer said they have good expert's to help prove this case.
To be honest mate , life is to short to worry about this shit and I will continue living my life just the way I was. :rofl:
I appreciate the concern mate I really do. :pighug:
P.S.:- I won't link to it here, but suggest you search up:

Sentencing Guidelines
Production of a controlled drug/ Cultivation of cannabis plant
Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.4(2)(a) or (b), Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.6(2)

No problem to buy a grow setup, but maybe grow some chillies or something in the meantime? Because it sounds to me like this is still an ongoing investigation...
I have a trial date. I will check up on the law's mate.
Great that your neighbours have got your back, but cultivation is still an offence. Okay, first time offender, but with that number of plants, you're surely facing criminal charges and a trial? Or did they let you off with a caution? Find that last hard to believe: maybe for a handful of plants, but you had quite a few.

Obviously tell me to mind my own business if I'm overstepping the mark. But if I'd just had the fuzz confiscate all my girls and grow setup, I'd be keeping a very low profile until my lawyer had assured me no prosecution was on the way.
15 plants is still a slap on the ass and a fine i know from persanal experience X2
15 plants is still a slap on the ass and a fine i know from persanal experience X2
Fair enough mate. I've only been growing a couple of years, so not had my collar felt for this lark yet. What I did notice though is they've reduced the number of plants before it becomes more serious category of offence. Used to be up to 9 plants was a lower level, but they changed that (in 2021 looks like) to just 7 plants. Fuckers!

Also not sure what the beak would make of somebody continuing to grow after being arrested, remanded, bailed (?) and before trial. Could be an aggravating factor if caught out...

Anyway, like I say not been done for growing (yet) but I do know "lack of remorse" is not looked on kindly. As long as @Sawney_bean can prove there was no "intent to supply" he'll hopefully be okay.

TBH, this is why I started a GG this year. More difficult for PC Copper to link it to me if busted. I'm gonna be moving my indoor grow out of the house later this year too, because I want to have a go at breeding and that means more than just a handful of plants...
I can prove all I make is for me. The lawyer said they have good expert's to help prove this case.
To be honest mate , life is to short to worry about this shit and I will continue living my life just the way I was. :rofl:
I appreciate the concern mate I really do. :pighug:
That's really all it is too, man. Not trying to tell you your business. You're an experienced grower and obviously you judge your own risks. Sounds like your lawyer knows their stuff, that's good.

If you want to carry on regardless, one loophole might be medical use? You can apply for a CanCard which is a Medical Cannabis ID. This is recognised by the cops. I'm thinking of getting one myself. You need to be receiving some kind of treatment from a doctor or a condition that justifies medication (and proof of same). Not all tokers would qualify, but it might be worth a try, at least in future, maybe not this time around, depending what your defence is.

Anyway, if that suits, here's the link:
