Sativa Autoflower Strain for Indoor 100x100x240 and 6 x 11L pots?

May 17, 2022
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Hey, I want to grow autoflowers at 100x100x240 cm growspace. I got six pots with 11L size and 2 SANLight EVO 3-100. I like sweet sativa strains with motivational and euphoric high. It would be amazing if you could recommend strains to me. Do you think 6 x 11L Pots are good or should i change the setup? The numbers show the light in PPFD. THANKS GUYS
Hey, I want to grow autoflowers at 100x100x240 cm growspace. I got six pots with 11L size and 2 SANLight EVO 3-100. I like sweet sativa strains with motivational and euphoric high. It would be amazing if you could recommend strains to me. Do you think 6 x 11L Pots are good or should i change the setup? The numbers show the light in PPFD. THANKS GUYS View attachment 1460116

Welcome to AFN :d5:

I'd use 4 11l pots in that space and move them all in a little bit .. you'll need a bit of room when they go into flower!
Hope someone can recommend a nice Sativa for you, i usually smoke indicas or hybrids.

plan for a good dehumifier in the end, that will be crowded - 11l pots and soil wont give you monsters, but the place will be stuffed.
I went from 4 to 2 in 80x80 - I'd recommend 4-5 in that space.
But I like watching stuffed tents, so go for it.
I' just doing some super established strain, an oldtimer ...dutch passion think different.
perhaps you look at and do some research here

Good luck!