Right right, I think it was me. Don't know for sure, but it sounds like something I would say

Yeah, the soil can be reused. Remove the first 5cm's /2" from the top and cut out the stem beneath the soil and add some sort of enzyme product which will start digesting the starches in the roots followed by a dose Bactrex and Mycotrex...Wet the soil and keep it wet until you're ready to use it again so the bacterial cultures don't die off. If you have to keep the soil for longer periods then you'll have to add some Orgatrex once in a while to keep the mycelium fed. The bacteria will feast on the roots and provide the next plant with it's stored nutrients.
Another thing I'm trying with the soil from my tent is this...I dumped it in a bin and stacked it on top of my worm tower. That was a month and a half ago and the worms are feasting on the roots. I also dumped in the remainder of the Steinernema carpocapsae which I had left over from a Fungus Gnat infestation in the greenhouse which I hope will keep the soil clean from all other baddies...
Thank you for the rep brother. And thanks for the kind words

I know what you mean. I was sceptic at first to, coming from a pure chemical nutrient background. But before my first grow was over I was convinced about the quality of the BioTabs line. The combination of an Autopot with BioTabs is soo easy and can almost be called cheating. If one follows the manual overfeeding is no issue and íf a deficiency creeps up, just add a dose of Silicium Flash...Damn here I go again... You know, I just LOVE the product