SANlight sanlight EVO 140 and 60 series perpetual grow with biotabs Dutch passion ect

Kerosene krash day 38 and there looking pretty dam fine folks

Just a quick one I fed all the girls pk5.8 at 10 ml per litre as I do every Friday or Saturday. I have to admit I'm very happy with all the girls in general and as I mentioned before I added another biotab to the big 3 to coast them across the finish line but I may give them a 3ml a litre of the bac bloom as I treat.
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Oh, I definitely like to introduce microbes and feed the plant at the same time!
Come to think of it, whenever I feed, I mainly feed for the plant or the microbes, but the other does benefit some.

Not to forget the fungus end of the equation, that FAA I've had cooking for almost a month Is progressing very nicely. I actually saw oil at day 6, which surprised me greatly. I think the rapid rate should be attributed to two factors, the enzymes from the added pineapple and using EM1 as an inoculate. Irish didn't expect it to work that well and that quickly.

FAA is supposedly really good for Mycorrhizae. It'll definitely benefit the plant! I thought of taking some of the oil that is on the top and making a drench. This oil is pretty damn potent, so I'm gonna have to figure a dosage. I think I'm going to go with 1/2 a teaspoon per gallon to start off with. I have some water soluble Mycorrhizae that I'll add at the same time.

Either way, after that little diatribe,................................... Girls sure do look yummy!!!!!
Love that fade coming in!!!!!:headbang::headbang::headbang::headbang::headbang::headbang:

<------------- Wakey-Baky for about three hours now!:eyebrows::biggrin::pass:
Oh, I definitely like to introduce microbes and feed the plant at the same time!
Come to think of it, whenever I feed, I mainly feed for the plant or the microbes, but the other does benefit some.

Not to forget the fungus end of the equation, that FAA I've had cooking for almost a month Is progressing very nicely. I actually saw oil at day 6, which surprised me greatly. I think the rapid rate should be attributed to two factors, the enzymes from the added pineapple and using EM1 as an inoculate. Irish didn't expect it to work that well and that quickly.

FAA is supposedly really good for Mycorrhizae. It'll definitely benefit the plant! I thought of taking some of the oil that is on the top and making a drench. This oil is pretty damn potent, so I'm gonna have to figure a dosage. I think I'm going to go with 1/2 a teaspoon per gallon to start off with. I have some water soluble Mycorrhizae that I'll add at the same time.

Either way, after that little diatribe,................................... Girls sure do look yummy!!!!!
Love that fade coming in!!!!!:headbang::headbang::headbang::headbang::headbang::headbang:

<------------- Wakey-Baky for about three hours now!:eyebrows::biggrin::pass:
I used to give them some bactrex quite a lot but following Antonios advice he said he never really bothered if his girls are healthy also Bill some great info there too
I used to give them some bactrex quite a lot but following Antonios advice he said he never really bothered if his girls are healthy also Bill some great info there too
A lot of stuff that we do is not really needed. I really do think the timing of the use of the bacteria is helpful.

I did hit CBG ForCE with a little bit of the stuff I described above earlier this afternoon. She has been seemingly lagging a little bit in that 20 gallon pot. I think some of it is because of the relatively hefty cover crop.
I hit her with 1500 milliliters of rain water with EM1, my normal humic acid, a little less than a quarter teaspoon of the oil from the FAA and then just a little less than a quarter teaspoon of aminos.
I hit her fairly hard right around the plant to drive the moisture deeper and then applied the remainder to the rest of the top media to keep it going well in microbial activity. I should see something Positive in a couple of days. If I see the response I'm looking for I will probe with the Moisture meter and reevaluate.
Some lovelly lights out videos today as I find at a certain age of a plant especially in flower can just look so beautiful and really eye catching. Anyhow we have 4x4 tent in the first 2 clips with Antonio s crosses so mbk s1 x2 and on the right and we have just the 1 Gxbc on the left sise. Then last but far from least we have my 2 kerosene krash girls all at day 39 so each tent there all the same ages

Some lovelly lights out videos today as I find at a certain age of a plant especially in flower can just look so beautiful and really eye catching. Anyhow we have 4x4 tent in the first 2 clips with Antonio s crosses so mbk s1 x2 and on the right and we have just the 1 Gxbc on the left sise. Then last but far from least we have my 2 kerosene krash girls all at day 39 so each tent there all the same ages
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Very nice :toke:
Kerosene krash day 38 and there looking pretty dam fine folks
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:pop::pop::pop: Bud heaven bro!
Some lovelly lights out videos today as I find at a certain age of a plant especially in flower can just look so beautiful and really eye catching. Anyhow we have 4x4 tent in the first 2 clips with Antonio s crosses so mbk s1 x2 and on the right and we have just the 1 Gxbc on the left sise. Then last but far from least we have my 2 kerosene krash girls all at day 39 so each tent there all the same ages
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Looking beautiful mate! :thumbsup: What a layers of frost! Looks to me the buds are becoming quite compact too right.. :eyebrows:
Btw, I think you switched the two strains around in your text..

Anyhow we have 4x4 tent in the first 2 clips with Antonio s crosses so mbk s1 x2 and on the right and we have just the 1 Gxbc on the left sise.

The MBK S1 is the one on the left (you discarded the second one with those waterlogged/rot issues) and the two GBC x MBK are the two on the right side. Just to keep it clear ;-) I absolutely love how the one in the front right part looks btw mate.. really beautiful! Nice purplish fade on her too :love:
:pop::pop::pop: Bud heaven bro!

Looking beautiful mate! :thumbsup: What a layers of frost! Looks to me the buds are becoming quite compact too right.. :eyebrows:
Btw, I think you switched the two strains around in your text..

Anyhow we have 4x4 tent in the first 2 clips with Antonio s crosses so mbk s1 x2 and on the right and we have just the 1 Gxbc on the left sise.

The MBK S1 is the one on the left (you discarded the second one with those waterlogged/rot issues) and the two GBC x MBK are the two on the right side. Just to keep it clear ;-) I absolutely love how the one in the front right part looks btw mate.. really beautiful! Nice purplish fade on her too :love:
your right mate just a slight mistake and I will make sure its correct on my other posts