I grew the very first batch of them there was a load of germination problems and I did run it a long time also regarding these edibles I was wondering who else has had theses ones
This was the long awaited Seedstockers G&S of this past fall. It was supposed to have occurred way earlier in the year I have to find it or I think it might have been late the year before. I had forgotten that I had asked for photos and picked the two strains that I wanted. All the other girls in the run were autos!

I didn't have any problems germinating out of all the girls in the run and I had 13 Bloodstones going to make seeds with And all the other girls for regular production. I only had one failure of Bloodstones.
That made me play musical cannabis plants with the tents. While I was extremely happy with the quality and quality of the bud, I didn't get quite the stretch that I wanted. Now I do attribute that mainly to the spectrum on the Mars SP3000. After many grows under that and the SP 6500, I've kind of got the impression that they have a little bit too much blue light in the spectrum and it's keeping the plant a little too squatty or less of a stretch. there is even an anode on the plant's behavior about being aware of a certain week stretch.
I haven't quite seen that effect under the HLG DIABLO 650R. So I'm either going to grow her again under the HLG light or possibly back again under the SP3000 with some supplemental Far Red lighting. The cheapest to try and seemingly easiest to integrate would be the Mars Hydro Supplemental setup. And I'll just get a smart outlet for my AC infinity to control so it's real easy to set up with the phone app.
I might start it in relatively early veg, probably about the same time I start filling the reservoir of the Earthbox Jr. Giving seeing her past structure, with additional training I may be able to get her trained to have some more tops than the first time I ran her. I think it'd be a nice interesting experiment. I just wanna see how far I can take any improvements that I think I can do to the quality of the bud and maybe the quantity That's going to be hard to do but I'm going to try it I might go ahead and also either get the HLG UVA or maybe go ahead and just get the UVA from Mars. Just get another smart controller for the AC infinity.
The only negative side to that would be that I have no knowledge of how her two other tent mates normally grow but I don't really think I've ever had a girl to run away under that light , at least not controllably . At least that's what stands out in my stone head at the moment.
Other than germination problems, how did you like the smoke and how the girl was to grow. I thought she was simple as hell to grow with no odd needs or being over hungry. Now I do think that I have refined my media mixture and my earthbox junior procedures to a pretty fine and optimal point. All my Earthbox junior Girls Did very well. II do think a couple of different items that I have recently added have contributed to a much stronger structure and a bit more potent bud.
Those two things are volcanic tuft and insect frass, dry and fermented. I've integrated both of those into the full mixture and also into my top dressings. The Fermented is added at an ounce per gallon and added to the reservoir. Since I use my own worm castings to inoculate the junior when I potted up, my Earthboxes are very alive. The volcanic turf breaks down relatively easy in a bioactive soil structure and is an excellent source of silica. My girls main stem structure has definitely increased in strength and vitality. I can easily tell the difference when I am training them. in last run of girls, training took considerably more time with my adjustable trainers. I always roll the area where I'm going to bend the plant before I put the trainer on. Anything past two weeks in flower, it takes quite a bit of effort to break down that stem enough to bend it. I even had thoughts of taking some pliers and rubber coating the opposite end that you normally coat with rubber. I was going to coat the jaws so I could use it two breakdown the stems a bit easier.

................ Yeah, like now, I was stoned.
All right speaking of stoned, I think I've subjected you guys to enough of my ranting. Maybe you guys can find some useful tidbits that you could use or think about. I just want to show how much I like the girl and how excited I am to play with her in the future!

edit............................... I only use volcanic hummus now when I need more aeration in I reused media.
While initially more expensive, it's pretty much permanent. And it's definitely more living with bacteria forming a little homes in those tiny pores.