SANlight sanlight EVO 140 and 60 series perpetual grow with biotabs Dutch passion ect

as I said I've already bought charge and the biosys I've also still got most of a box of a biotabs kit still 2 quarters full and that's got pk in it and when I ran the biotabs i even ran them in coco but only done 2 plants but I just want to make sure I'm ready and not chasing deficiencies late on as the tulips are 12 weekers maybe more with soil also thanks @Frank_Spencer shes a cracker and shes 20 pcent thc and 10 pcent cbd shes a game changer the oliphant
Any pk will do, that biotabs will be wicked though. Give her a full top dress with the charge and that won't hurt em and they will have plenty to the end... That charge is brilliant kit.. If I go back in soil I'll use it again... Its really cheap as well lol :d5:
as I said I've already bought charge and the biosys I've also still got most of a box of a biotabs kit still 2 quarters full and that's got pk in it and when I ran the biotabs i even ran them in coco but only done 2 plants but I just want to make sure I'm ready and not chasing deficiencies late on as the tulips are 12 weekers maybe more with soil also thanks @Frank_Spencer shes a cracker and shes 20 pcent thc and 10 pcent cbd shes a game changer the oliphant
I’ll need to read up on her. But certainly sounds unique.
I’ll need to read up on her. But certainly sounds unique.
that's her description shes not on sale yet but they said very soon on Instagram
oliphant elephant sssc.PNG
lots of pics today folks including my outdoor fastbuds these are all in a mix of eco life soil and lights mix including 1 of my dutch passion mulans tulips
an experiment that may change my whole growing style also they have both been tied down as i topped the coco and fimmed the soil so there very different styles




now for the outdoor ones still doing ok with very limited sun as the uk can be such hit and miss anyhow the 2 big pots are lemon pie and strawberry pic and smaller pot are wedding cake and purple lemonade and the smoothie is the solo cup .also i will have to check the rules to see what i can run as there day 30 tday



and last today is my beautiful super sativa seed club oliphant at just over 80 days
this girl is on the road to finish at day 80 Ive just checked her trichomes but i want to make sure im in the optimal window












also I know its a big arse post also @RustyStarbuck72 @hope2grow whats the timing I can use these
Charge // Biosys on the soil ones I'm in unchartered territory here

Charge I pre mixed in the soil brother and biosys I fed at day 14 and every 10/14 days after that until end to finish.
Charge I pre mixed in the soil brother and biosys I fed at day 14 and every 10/14 days after that until end to finish.
so say I'm at day 30 or approaching each plant if I was feeding them now with biosys just in water say in 2 litre at a time is that how you use it and then every 10 to 14 days
Yes m8 just water and biosys and u could start next feed and then every 10/14 days after.. cant remember the dosages but I know I always used 1.5/double what the packet said for watering established plants and went with that with no issues.
Yes m8 just water and biosys and u could start next feed and then every 10/14 days after.. cant remember the dosages but I know I always used 1.5/double what the packet said for watering established plants and went with that with no issues.
thanks, bro I also use mammoth p in with my coco plants so I know what these microbe things can really help with nutes uptake I've never once had root problems
Some pre harvest pics of my sour g by Twenty20 i tidied her yday and will be taking her down on monday shes a very stacked girl
