SANlight sanlight EVO 140 and 60 series perpetual grow with biotabs Dutch passion ect

Would be busier than Macdonald's after lockdown. Lol

We can dream and hopefully one day, one day..

You would be my first customer at a discount of course but honestly i think i would absolutely smash that im even thinking of slogans for my marketing campaign lol :crying:well i can dream cant i
Fastbuds strains loving the British weather i have another 2 in 2 litre pots and one cloth pot about 10 litres and they are all either in light mix now or Ecothrive - Eco Life Soil as its a water only type of live soil i thought id make these as easy as possible to care for as once they go outdoors there out there for good
My beautiful gelato 41 plus my 2 new Dutch passion mokums tulips at day
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Love your outside im not allowed but i got alot of seeds from from a hermi that ended up seeding whole tent, gonna chuck a few here and there so stilton might be a new regular sight in the English countyside. Stilton and bluebells growing together that would be a picture.
Love your outside im not allowed but i got alot of seeds from from a hermi that ended up seeding whole tent, gonna chuck a few here and there so stilton might be a new regular sight in the English countyside. Stilton and bluebells growing together that would be a picture.
Imagine a small Forrest of them imagine how fucking cool that would be also with these fastbud strains they were all 1s and 2s i had left in packets so i thought why not use the free light outdoors .also i bought some live soil so im even considering doing a tulip one inside it that and the other in coco just for comparison
My beautiful gelato 41 plus my 2 new Dutch passion mokums tulips at day
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Hey Tom looking just fantastic so vibrant and strong what is your secret with seedlings? And Mokums Tulips is OUTSTANDING I have one seed of that strain and one of lemon skittlez from D.P.. And how do you get the videos from Instagram to here and do they have to be a certain size or smaller? Thanks Bro
Hey Tom looking just fantastic so vibrant and strong what is your secret with seedlings? And Mokums Tulips is OUTSTANDING I have one seed of that strain and one of lemon skittlez from D.P.. And how do you get the videos from Instagram to here and do they have to be a certain size or smaller? Thanks Bro
I just seem to have a lot of luck with coco but i noticed the 3 i started in lightmix soil seemed more vibrant which is strange also regarding the Instagram vids copy your link and add it to this box its the same way you add utube videos also i think if a video file is smaller that 10mb you can add that the way you add normal photos and thanks bro
Day 68 for the snow g she may not be the prettiest of girls but shes still flying along i also i flushed her a little late so the leaves never went back to fully green so the stripes are there to stay .i also had to use stakes to stop her front branches toppling over so shes gonna have huge colas and even better if i give her time as ive read thes can to 85 to 95 days





