New Grower Sanguine's perpetual auto grow

have to agree dude its bloody cold I have to wear a coat to go in the loft ha ha my lights out temp is just a bit higher than your lights on but I am running two heaters lights on temp is 23 to 24 c refuse to use any more electric the joys of LED

Also have to agree, cold affected my temps and watering almost immeadiatly so just bought a tube heater today, but would much rather use that electric on extra lighting.
@stepside cheers for checking in on my ladies, and thanks for the rep and nice words!
@redrobbo yea the arse has really fell out of that mild november! Im not sure myself anymore haha ive got 2 cheese xxl and 2 sour blues in the wilma tent tent then in the room i have 2 sodks and a axt in soil and a g14 in coco. That reminds me i need to put a pic up in the vault thread of the axt

I definitely cant keep running 3 different mediums its added a lot more work preparing feeds . Its joke how much equipment and nutes i have bought over the last 6 months! Cheers for the rep too buddy