Cheers brother! Wont be long now until your back in the saddleKilling it as always mate, I'm starting to get bud envy over here..
Its amazing how different the two phenos are #2 will be harvested a good 2 weeks earlier. But they both smell the same, its quite mild but really pleasant theres the fuel smell and also fruity citrus hints in there toothat SODK looks mighty frosty ... is it matched by its smell?
have to agree dude its bloody cold I have to wear a coat to go in the loft ha ha my lights out temp is just a bit higher than your lights on but I am running two heaters lights on temp is 23 to 24 c refuse to use any more electric the joys of LED oh I dream of a central heated grow room temp control at the touch of a button ah a mans entitled to dream and for your sugar coated sodkTemps have really dropped in my grow room over the last week as im sure the rest of you irish and uk growers have noticed, might have to run inside a tent again as im averaging temps of 18-19oc with lights on 24h just cant imagine plants producing much at all, anyway the s.o.d.k are on day 61
low temps seem to stressing out some colours in this girl
and heres a g14 on day 4
cheers for looking in as always dudes