@wiz whats the biggest dragon you have grown or seen? how big have you seen them grow before they show sex or start flowering?


It still amazes me how fast she picked up color. 2 weeks ago she was 100% green. What a cool plant to watch! My White JEM is starting to get some crazy trichs:


This would have been a cool pic if the green leaf didnt have mite damage. (Be careful when accepting gifts from friends. You might get more than you bargained for!)
nice :D

I can see the spidermites under the leaves 4th photo down :( do you have younger plants in there aswell? predetor mites work very well with autos as they only breed with 18+ hours of light so will keep eating and breeding untill theres nothing left to eat
This would have been a cool pic if the green leaf didnt have mite damage. (Be careful when accepting gifts from friends. You might get more than you bargained for!)

...gift from a well-meaning friend. The war is on!
Thats a Duurtie Dragon. I got 2 that have blackened up- so far! Like I said, they darken up crazy fast -I have 2 more that arent black that may yet. Soooo cool to watch!
Something that might interest some of you, just started making some tincture
with ALF#3, it turned purple :)

I'm not surprised...:D..the colour is so strong it sometime colours the seed...

I know when I use Black Dragon in canna vodka..I get a much darker vodka than normal..
more like dark rum...:wiz:
Some years ago I went to the spannabis in Madrid, It's a good place to enjoy
the day with canna-friends but when you go to one exhibition, the others are
similar (in the point of view of the customer). I think that if you don't know
anyone there It won't be the same...
And a curious thing: I appeared a year
ago in this magazine with a friends because we started to build a seed bank.
However, I couldn't continue because It's not compatible with my life at the

Cheers carchofa....

Feliz Navidad..I hope the 3 Kings were Kind to you and your family..:clap:

I Fancy a trip to Spannabis..just to see what goes on..I'll have to persuade the other half...:D

Are there any whispers going around about Spain legalising..with Portugal to the left and the Basque government above..it has to have some High Hopes..:smokebuds:

Can't tell you how much I would give to have a little dispensary/pharmacy going like the Legal ones in the US...
not just smoke..but all the products we know work..

I Think we could do So Much Good...it Frustrates the Fluff outta me..:no:
Your Offering Gratefully accepted Mr.Nice..I'll Share one with you..:smokebuds:

astronomy..I Love low tech..I do have an airstone..so they get that as well..
must admit..since FD got me using the air-stone..I have seen such an improvement..
I'd buy one of those over ferts.