no promblem JM,they are really danky looking bro!!you can diff. see the dieseal in this one.
btw Wiz, I was running peroxide before I had the bubbler setup and what a diff it made!!! It's just expensive here in pure form (food grade 35%) I used about 5 drops of that to a 2 gallons (US) of water

MRNS! We're on a road for crossposting huh? :toke: :crying: :smokebuds: :buds: :toke:
As you say, it is Peroxide based antiseptic, but the producers says that has
more oxygen it seems....
I've read sometimes at cannabis magazines that there
are some growers that use a little bit of H2O2 because it contributes more
oxygent to the roots, however I don't remember the amount.
Cheers carchofa..that is what I Thought...
after seeing JM say he used a touch of peroxide when he didn't have time to bubble the water..it got me Thinking...:D

I'll have to run a side by side in the spring...see if it makes a difference..
it is cheap and available if it does...my type of product...

WOW.....damn Wiz that ThunderDragon is freakin SWEEET!!look how black the
leafs are on that baby!!!

Cheers Mr.Nice..:thumbs:

Girls are looking Brilliant JM....:clap:...I'm Loving Both..but then...I'm Greedy....:D
naked ladies anyone?:booya:
pulled these two little girls 2 nights ago but couldnt get to my comp till now.Purple JEM and cristal storm (what was left of her) both at 73 days. will do a more detailed report in my log later. enjoy:smoke:

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Redeem your christmas fairies now...

Budz who won Seed Prizes..

I've got a Bank Holiday coming up..Spanish Christmas...then the postings will start.

I need everyone who Won to mail me with a safe addy..
Tell me how many prizes you won..
tell me if you want established crosses or prototypes..
and tell me what you already have..so we don't Duplicate..

I'll remove your Fairies when I post out....:wiz:
Well too much of couse kills most organisms... but a little boost gives them a little extra energy... much like us on an oxygen mask... too much is bad... pass out... but a little extra amps up your energy!

Please share these with everyone you know... We can literally change the world with so little!

