Cheers Astronomy...:clap:

hey jm and wiz i read somewhere that h2o2 is not a good choice for O2 because it
kills benfical microbes? but what the hell do i know.

Probably a lot more than Me bro..I'm strictly low tech..:lol:...but the label held certain attractions...:D
Ain't that the truth!
Close to the top of the list --- Don't put up with idiotic trolling wankers

:crying:..I Think that one goes..

"Zero Tollerance on Trolling..Flamming..Spamming or Bullying"

It was probably The only Rule we Knew we would enforce..and I THINK it is the rule that makes AFN what it is.

Protect the Vibe..:smokebuds:..with your Life...:ama:
hey spel, boston is a great place to grow up. my favorite city and i lived in san fransisco and berkley for a while second favorite urban area!
party on!! happy newyear!
I do tend to go on a bit sometimes don't I?? :rolleyes:...

Ay is what you are are bound to have the Tech answers...can't dampen your Enthusiasm Bro...:clap:

Everyone here are just the greatest people ever. Look forward to many years
here! :peace:
my friends

Cheers UnholyFire...:clap:
we have Plans to try and get even Better in 2012....:wiz:

Thanks to the founders for putting this site

Cheers Smidgette...:clap:

I've been in Boston, MA celebrating the new year and visiting family with gloworm.

Cheers spels..sounds like you both enjoyed must have been able to get a sly toke huh..
or is that why gloworm made the edibles...

Happy Born Day to the AFN!!!! :head: :head: :dance::dance: :dance2: :dance2: Time to get ENRICHED!!!:smokebuds: :bong: :pimp: :smokebuds:

Big Thanks go out to the people running this site and the Breeders making autoflowers........ :bow: :bow::kiss: :kiss::bow: :bow:

Happy and Prosperous New Year to all!!!!!!
Big Thanks!!

thanks to AFN i'm finaly getting buds like this!!
for everyone who has helped me through!

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Agh..agh...couple minutes late as Usual...but...

105,733 views..:booya:..5,437 replies...:booya:...

all I can say is YOU lot Talk a Lot.....:crying:

I have a rather Large GiggleJuice burning away..while I Savour the Special Moment....:smokebuds:


I would like to THANK all founders, admins and mods for creating such a great place for all autolovers and keeping it clean of trolls and haters:bow:

THANKS to all breeders for their amazing strains and for the opportunity AFN members to be the first WHO grow them :ladies:

Thanks for accepting me as a part of this fantastic community :kiss:

My humble contribution to Sanctuary

View attachment 54048

Cheers :bong:
I'm gonna miss Sanctuary :cry: