Oh wow...we NEED it.....

how about the resort... 25 mil... but shit.. we could do a full medical clinic

Damn..25 mil...better get two..damn...

it must be nice to be Rich...:cool:

I was surprised... some aren't that expensive!
Yeah..I went straight to the web-site to look too..

starting @ $30,000..

we will all just have to pool our pocket money.

Evening HBS....:smoke:

Wouldn't this lead to extreme cases of flatulence. lol... I'm just saying...

The Dog seems to cope with it okay..


she does give Me dirty looks sometimes..:D
Howdy wiz. I dont have much to offer for tric Friday but but here is what I do have. new green 097.jpg

I opened the cab today and the most delightful smell hit me in the face. If there was a such thing as grapefruit wine, it would smell like the inside of my box :)
Damn..25 mil...better get two..damn...

it must be nice to be Rich...

Yeah, its good to be king...lol

i wish... well, not really, don't think I'd be who I am today if I were filthy-stinkin rich.

But I'll bet we could get finacial backers...

or... pool up for a smaller island and build-to-suit

we already have the people we need, surveyors, engineers, drywallers, carpenters.. etc etc.... hmm

I'm half kidding.. but damn its almost feasible.. dunno how the law works in territories..
I'm guessin similar to state sep of powers...

@HBS... thats quite a nice bud ya go there.. good trich shot! :)

Coffe Caye is nice
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Thanks.. I think this one turned out pretty. new green 096.jpg

When should I take a tester? Should I wait till the trics start to milk over a little?
lol we could claim independence and build our own little world. it would be nice to have a whole place thats pretty much nothing but ganja and good times i ever win the power ball im gonna hold my own cannabis cup type deal fly all of you good people to a place say a place like i dunno Spain or Amsterdam call it the Auto Kottonmouth Series and instead of a cup you get a platinum bong. It will also feature games and other categories. Sort of a bring what ever your specialty is and then it gets voted on.
probably should... but then again.. a lil pluck never hurts and its nice to get an idea where you're going! nice work! :clap::buds:
lol we could claim independence and build our own little world. it would be nice to have a whole place thats pretty much nothing but ganja and good times i ever win the power ball im gonna hold my own cannabis cup type deal fly all of you good people to a place say a place like i dunno Spain or Amsterdam call it the Auto Kottonmouth Series and instead of a cup you get a platinum bong. It will also feature games and other categories. Sort of a bring what ever your specialty is and then it gets voted on.

love it!:clap:

cant get over how awesome the smileys are bailer! Nice!
I dont have much to offer for tric Friday but but here is what I do have
HBS...that has some lovely trics on..one of the leaves coming out of the middle has exceptional ones.

which one is it..?

When should I take a tester? Should I wait till the trics start to milk over a little?
Yup....bet it is hard resisting temptation...:smoke:

Grapefruit wine sounds good to me

well, not really, don't think I'd be who I am today if I were filthy-stinkin rich.
I wouldn't mind trying it for a few weeks though...ha ha ha..

WHEN we get our legalised medical grow...I'll build a small self-contained unit on the land...
and you can all come over for hols..have your med inspection...and pick the buds from a selection to see what helps the most....:thumbs:

mmm...hang on..

no-one would want to leave..would they...

Better build a commune..:clap:

i ever win the power ball im gonna hold my own cannabis cup type deal fly all of you good people to a place say a place like i dunno Spain or Amsterdam call it the Auto Kottonmouth Series and instead of a cup you get a platinum bong
Sounds like a Plan ZERO..

I am a 2 hour plane ride from Amsterdam...22 hour drive...
I've fancied a trip.....:smoke:
thats what I'm sayin... then you wont have people "all up in ur grill" lol

So commune... on an island... yeah... I'll contact the island broker and tell him to put it on my card.... :)

The oil is up to temp... whew! I thought the girls stank! lol

2 quarts with 10 oz trim and some bud mixed in...

And I fnally brke down Buddah.. got a real nice crockpot.. 6 quart with digital temp control and probe.

Very nice.. made burrito mix last night / this mornin... thats cooling... and now got the peanut oil on for a little try at canna-peanut-butter

@wiz.. my bro and I always wanted to go to amsterdamn.. the canna cup... He got to go to Amsterdamn before he died... not the cup.. he was waiting for me for the cup... I've never been.. def on my list of places to visit.
thats one heck of a dif in travel time!
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HBS...that has some lovely trics on..one of the leaves coming out of the middle has exceptional ones.

which one is it..?

Yup....bet it is hard resisting temptation...:smoke:

Grapefruit wine sounds good to me

That is Dana the DDR.

Yeah that smell makes it very tempting.. If I wasn't smoking on some great tasting trainwreck still, I believe temptation would get the better of me. Can you believe I picked up 7 grams of the wreck over 3 weeks ago and I am still smoking on it? I may just have to change my name to the one-hit-wonder.
There's a reason they call it Tranwreck! lol... and lucky you... cant wait for my girls to finish... kinda sick of kona and silver... been since Aug I been smokin one or the other with a few exceptions when friends brought some other stuff.

When I had to buy I used to go through about 3.5 a week... now its prob more like 7 g a week... course my work allows for it now too.. before was a lot of public eye and horseshit and semantics.. lol