(Can't Remember A Fluffing Thing..CRAFT...).
ROFL... a new acronym... love it!!

Problem in Chair Not In Computer
shit!!! make that 2!!!! lol 2 in 1 page! damn you guys are smokin today!!!!!

oh how i could do with a smoke...had a mole removed from my armpit today...4 stitches in the resulting hole...and it hurts like, well like someones carved a bloody great hole in my armpit...ooooouuuucccccchhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !

ouch!!! sorry to hear mate!!! feel better and anti-pain larma sent!!!

Wiz...i wouldnt start worrying too much until you do something daft like get in the wrong car...i've done that before...don't know who was more freaked out me or the poor woman sat in the driving seat, we both just sat there staring at each other for about 5 seconds (seemed like 5 minutes) then i realised my mates car wasn't blue...apologised profusely and ran away feeling incredibly stupid

we all have our moments!!!
Morning Budz....:thumbs:

lol... yeah man... larma= lucky karma!

well it sounded good right?

Spititual karma JM..it was a Dali-Larma..:crying:

Must be Friday...HAPPY HOUR....:dance:

All I can say is...TF you were here on AFN..not Amazon..
can you imagine a llama coming to the door...
Oooooof....can't remember ordering That... :no:
Problem in Chair Not In Computer

My laptop has Loads of picnic breaks...

so when the first post went missing completely..I Thought I'd just flipped screens without pressing the submit..
when the middle of the post disappeared....eeeeekkkk...

I Though maybe Bailer had put a limiter on my post...cut the Babble.

oh how i could do with a smoke...had a mole removed from my armpit today...4 stitches in the resulting hole...and it hurts like, well like someones carved a bloody great hole in my armpit...ooooouuuucccccchhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !

Sympathies sent Smokey...:thumbs:

whats this about 70 year olds now? good grief! gimme a break!!! lol

The THOUGHTS...:crying:
Spititual karma JM..it was a Dali-Larma..

Must be Friday...HAPPY HOUR....

All I can say is...TF you were here on AFN..not Amazon..
can you imagine a llama coming to the door...
Oooooof....can't remember ordering That...

lol... well that WAS the intent.. on the karma

a llama coming to the door not so bad... but I saw one spit a mouthful of food all over a ladys face tonight... ughhhhh!!!!

If you ask me thats a llama that needs a lickin'!!! lol

Now you know if we had this capability .... I would of put that in effect already!

<inhales a large vape of evilbud>

whats the bud ur smokin? I need to get some of that... :) (loud evil laugh)

EDIT: oh yeah n about that trich shot friday...

IMG00417.jpgIMG00417 zoom.jpg
A lil akrunner closeup for ya!! :)
:smokebuds: happy friday n have a good weekend all!!!
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Now you know if we had this capability .... I would of put that in effect already!

<inhales a large vape of evilbud>

Weeeelll...don't hog the vape Bro..
I need a deep toke to be able to keep up with you....

whats the bud ur smokin? I need to get some of that... :) (loud evil laugh)
JM too...

to the left..to the left....:smokebuds:

Gonna be one of those weekends..
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JM...you will not believe this..but there are two llamas in a field near the beach..
so I took the camera down to snap them for you..
they weren't out this morning...:no:

they mustn't have set the A-llama clock...:crying:
Cheers JM...the anti-pain larma seems to be working...haven't laughed so much in ages!!
Maybe we should get some over here on the NHS lol