
R-R-R-R-red Balls...

Yup...thats one......:D...Lovely one Bailer......

Hey zen..always a pleasure to see you Bro....:clap:

It's getting to be a purple world(thanks to your genetics:D)...GG you are ganja royalty

All down to my Image Consultant Bro...oooohhhhhooooo....:ladies:

he Designed my Avatar for me....:bow:
in Royal Purple...

You know what they say..if the Robe fits...wear it...:cool:

I still got some icu(cant rememer what #) and some punk chunk to grow, il have to start a new plate tommorow

ICU#2 mr.mc....:thumbs:

I haven't seen Punk Chunk for Aaaages...
the Dragon have had all my space tied up...
so I look forward to watching...

Oh..along with all the Other delicacies you have lined up...
what a bloody menu you have..
for someone with greedy eyes like Me.....:dance:

A week...you are a 'glass half full' bloke aren't you Wiz...i'd give him 2 to 3 days max :crying:
BTW...you forgot to mention the STI's that go along with all that
Weeeellll...I was expecting him back on the bus mid-week Smokey....

kill or cure Huh....:D

You get involved with one of those marauding Hen Parties..
and you'd be Lucky to get out Alive..

When you see the SAGA trips at the airport..everyone here calls them the Benidorm Bandits...and that is the 70 year olds...

He hasn't got a Hope....

But...Hell..he'd enjoy himself trying...:dance2:
busy and with pc probs...well tryin to fix it..got all my pics in the other one hope not to lose em...

Hey BOMBUDZ...sorry to hear you are having problems...
Scarey having you photos on a dodgy PC..
I lost most of my first grow season photos with the same thing..

karma sent for their safety....

Ah TD....Love them all..Budiful.....:drool:
But...I particulally love photo #4...the cupboard is just FULL...of Delight...
makes me hungry...:smokebuds:
You won't miss the reds mate.. They will stand out in the crowd!

Amazing :clap: I want please! does he have a strong odor?

ya know, Mr. Mc I never noiced yuor avatar having the tiny pics within the pic. What's going on there? Some dude with a sword running to kill a new year baby?

lol, its mr.mcgregor chasing peter "budz bunny" rabbit out the monster mi5 patch with his rake ;)
View attachment 12262

Yeah...there was one in Birmingham about 10 years ago...guess that would class as 'up north'...happened middle of the night, it was strong enough to wake me up and we lived east midlands...and i have been known to sleep thru a smoke alarm before

Yea I think that was the one, I was early 20's so 10 years ago sounds right

ICU#2 mr.mc....:thumbs:

I haven't seen Punk Chunk for Aaaages...
the Dragon have had all my space tied up...
so I look forward to watching...

Oh..along with all the Other delicacies you have lined up...
what a bloody menu you have..
for someone with greedy eyes like Me.....:dance:

#2 thats the one :D I remember seeing your photos of the punk chunk but I cant rememer what the ICU#2 looked like. can you refresh my memory on whats in punk chunk and ICU#2? punk chunk & ICU#2 going into germination tommorrow morning (still got a couple of auto sfvog beans holding up the germination line)

oh and those punk chunk beans are the size of small grapes lol

Its going to be a busy summer for me! aswell as all the autos I got since last summer I crossed pretty much everything with everything in the greenhouse last year so I have countless seed bags with a x b written on it.
Thank you Wiz. I am feeling the love in there for sure. I hope to get some of your works in there one day. I have been admiring them for so long I look forward to the day when I have pretty colored little bushes with your name on them. I know from experience the more you see them the more you want them. When you are ready to go to market make sure you let me know where I can get them.
does he have a strong odor?

Yup.. It had a strong fresh pot smell, as well as a lemony hint to him.
That was an ALF#3 though.. But that's what a red male looks like. I was going to use him on the red ICU#2 female i got at the same time... I went for keeping them pure.

The next generation ALF's should be interesting. Red male X Purple red female.

I think ICU#2 is Orig MJEM f7(or8?) X Auto White Russuian F9. The bud bomb pheno i got last run was nice. That's the 35 grammer in my sig.
Thanks for pointing out the sig, don't know why I never clicked on those before. Personally I like the sour 60 pic better, what a little beastie.
TBM...come look at me in the eyes...closer...closer...

have you been on the evil bud..
coz parts of my posts are disappearing...
and you are the only one mischevious enough..
and with the wand to do it....:dance2:

Honestly...when the first post disappeared this morning...
I thought maybe I had a CRAFT moment..
(Can't Remember A Fluffing Thing..CRAFT...)..and not hit the submit button


I just posted a Big reply for BOMBUDZ...
talking about his stash and the lizards...
and when I came back...a big chunk of it has disappeared...

the start of the post is there..and the end...
but the middle has gone.....:no:...

If it is not you..I'll have to accept I have gone Do-Lal....:smokebuds:
and I'm having typing hallucinations
Evening All
oh how i could do with a smoke...had a mole removed from my armpit today...4 stitches in the resulting hole...and it hurts like, well like someones carved a bloody great hole in my armpit...ooooouuuucccccchhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TD...thats a fine looking bunch of green you got growing there...i can almost smell it from here...tasty tasty very very tasty
Wiz...i wouldnt start worrying too much until you do something daft like get in the wrong car...i've done that before...don't know who was more freaked out me or the poor woman sat in the driving seat, we both just sat there staring at each other for about 5 seconds (seemed like 5 minutes) then i realised my mates car wasn't blue...apologised profusely and ran away feeling incredibly stupid