They give you a warning?. Nice guys. Was he bringing people in and showing them? All they gotta do is get a little bust with just a small amount and cops really threaten and scare and try everything to get a bigger drug lead. Think that's what happened or does he frequent the hydro shop and chat and the cops decided to come scare the illegal out of him?

He is not sure exactly how they were tipped although he has a couple of ideas. It will take a couple of days for him to sort it out. We suspect one of his relatives junkie friends may have dropped word without any proof or direct knowledge of anything. When I say he had people over it wasn't to show off, He just had more company over than I found prudent. No one, and I mean no one comes to my home unless I trust them with my life. four people in this world have been to my home and seen what I do here. Everyone else will just have to see me out and about.

As for the cops showing up and then leaving, I know they were just fishing. A lot of the time cops think they can show up and can bulldoze their way in on a hunch or tip. They get away with it because people freeze up like a deer in the headlights when confronted with a badge and gun. Shit just watch a couple of episodes of cops and you will see people telling on themselves left and right when shit hits the fan.
yea, they'll do it.

You are right, there are always users and abusers in this world. For me to turn a blind eye is not right. It's good there are those that fight, bc there are also those that do not, but do in less obtrusive ways. But without both neither side would ever choose to try to listen to the other.
You may be the more in your face type of guy that don't put up with no-ones BS. Which I think those guys are cool, if logical. The other guys are just dumb (I know you're the logical type btw or ya wouldn't even be here) I would sit and listen to it and may even agree to some points, but then I slip in seed of change without them knowing in unobtrusive ways. But I would never have that ability had it not been for someone that stands at the front-lines and fights to bring validation and truth to the seed in teaching.

Thanks TD, you bring out a very good point to the philosophy that must be added. But you should never sit idle when Lies and Destruction surround the deeds of your oppressors.
No one, and I mean no one comes to my home unless I trust them with my life.
Same here. Safety and security first. I can help no one or nothing behind bars from a lie of a law.
That is about the way I see it to JM. Fuck them I refuse to let them scare me into a corner. Defiant to the end
yup me too... viva la resitance!!!!!
I will never mourn for someone that is actively seeking to destroy and enslave their fellow man. The problem with peace and love in the real world is that you can turn the other cheek and get slapped in that one too. I am an observer of humanity and all those lofty ideals of peace and love, while noble in theory, are not practical for most. The majority of people don't want to think for themselves in the first place and are more than happy to let others dictate their morales, values, and actions. Sheep will always be sheep. This goat could care less what they chose to bah and bow to. I understand that life is finite and I intend to enjoy it while I have it just not at the cost of another's liberty

sheep... yesy... one word... sheep... exactly... and I refuse to feel sorry for people who wont think for themselves... I believe in peace and love too... but just try n hurt someone I love or pull some shit... you'll find theres a big hungry wolf hidden in here too... and he will EAT your Flippin' LUNCH if you piss him off!

He is not sure exactly how they were tipped although he has a couple of ideas. It will take a couple of days for him to sort it out. We suspect one of his relatives junkie friends may have dropped word without any proof or direct knowledge of anything. When I say he had people over it wasn't to show off, He just had more company over than I found prudent. No one, and I mean no one comes to my home unless I trust them with my life. four people in this world have been to my home and seen what I do here. Everyone else will just have to see me out and about.

I have EAXACTLY the same policy here... lost a few girlfriends as a result... but never gained any drama from it!

As for the cops showing up and then leaving, I know they were just fishing. A lot of the time cops think they can show up and can bulldoze their way in on a hunch or tip. They get away with it because people freeze up like a deer in the headlights when confronted with a badge and gun. Shit just watch a couple of episodes of cops and you will see people telling on themselves left and right when shit hits the fan.

yup... 90% of their power is you giving it to them... they call it "police presence"... but you can strip it from them so easily... just dont give it to them.

But you should never sit idle when Lies and Destruction surround the deeds of your oppressors.

well put GB!
yea, they'll do it.

You are right, there are always users and abusers in this world. For me to turn a blind eye is not right. It's good there are those that fight, bc there are also those that do not, but do in less obtrusive ways. But without both neither side would ever choose to try to listen to the other.
You may be the more in your face type of guy that don't put up with no-ones BS. Which I think those guys are cool, if logical. The other guys are just dumb (I know you're the logical type btw or ya wouldn't even be here) I would sit and listen to it and may even agree to some points, but then I slip in seed of change without them knowing in unobtrusive ways. But I would never have that ability had it not been for someone that stands at the front-lines and fights to bring validation and truth to the seed in teaching.

Thanks TD, you bring out a very good point to the philosophy that must be added. But you should never sit idle when Lies and Destruction surround the deeds of your oppressors.

You can be the yin to my yang gearbear. Any fight worth fighting needs to approached from every angle possible:ama::peace:
Afternoon Budz....:smoke:

Girls are all looking happy this morning..none the worse for wear because they were locked up in the cupboard yesterday.

Ah..she has itchy feet...thought that might happen once you started investigating different counties and jobs..
I was saying to TBM..
the twisters might have been the straw that broke the camels back.

Indeed after those storms i am done. I grew up in the snow and then moved away from it and only find tornadoes......Not a good trade if you ask me. Her feet have been itchy ever since her momma passed. Shes never really traveled until she met me. When we went to see TBM it was her first time on a plane...

Yay....:ama:...don't forget to bring your Magicflyte....:smokebuds:

Ha ha ha..we would never get ANY WORK done..:lol:

you bet ill bring it. and you are right we would never get ANY work done.
Told Her about the price of the place and she was amazed. Its only about 75,000 us dollars so we could get it as a summer home ha ha. Would be awesome.

Hopefully...I'll get caught up with you..and the girls.. in the next couple of days bro..
when I'm away..there is no I'm guessing a net connection is out of the question too..:D

Sounds to me like it will be paradise. I like it when all communications are gone can relax.
Indeed after those storms i am done. I grew up in the snow and then moved away from it and only find tornadoes......Not a good trade if you ask me.

Mmm...I Think you are right.

Mind..we get earth tremors here..and apparently we are over-due an earthquake...
(not on my hols...Please...:no:...)
I never felt a tremor in the UK..although we do..rarely..get them.

When we went to see TBM it was her first time on a plane... have Spoiled her...:D

you bet ill bring it. and you are right we would never get ANY work done.
Yup...Big least til the bud ran out.

You would love lying in the dunes having a smoke..
we were there at 6pm the other afternoon...warmest part of that day..
and in 3-4 mile of beach..
we only saw two other couples. is Boring as Chuff when the weather is bad..
we like it quite.

About an hour North of us is the party capital of Europe...Benidorm...
(soddam and gomorrah....:no:.....)
Lots of the young uns get the bus up there for party weekends when they are bored.

It would turn your hair white...:head:

Talking about Dreams...I saw TBM saying he used to be a personal trainer..and I'm thinking...
wow..that would be good for our med centre..he could do yomps up the beach...

then I had this vision of TBM yomping along the beach on his own...
and a massive cloud of affy smoke lying lazily over the dunes...
where we has all disappeared for a smoke break...:D

You can See it..can't you...:smokebuds:


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