They give you a warning?. Nice guys. Was he bringing people in and showing them? All they gotta do is get a little bust with just a small amount and cops really threaten and scare and try everything to get a bigger drug lead. Think that's what happened or does he frequent the hydro shop and chat and the cops decided to come scare the illegal out of him?
He is not sure exactly how they were tipped although he has a couple of ideas. It will take a couple of days for him to sort it out. We suspect one of his relatives junkie friends may have dropped word without any proof or direct knowledge of anything. When I say he had people over it wasn't to show off, He just had more company over than I found prudent. No one, and I mean no one comes to my home unless I trust them with my life. four people in this world have been to my home and seen what I do here. Everyone else will just have to see me out and about.
As for the cops showing up and then leaving, I know they were just fishing. A lot of the time cops think they can show up and can bulldoze their way in on a hunch or tip. They get away with it because people freeze up like a deer in the headlights when confronted with a badge and gun. Shit just watch a couple of episodes of cops and you will see people telling on themselves left and right when shit hits the fan.