I tell you...I'm gonna make FD buy the house that backs on to me..so we can get some more protection.
I swear lady D wouldn't mind him moving...much....:lol:

(Machine gun turret on the roof....springs to mind....:ama:...)

:lol: sounds like a plan to me and by the way Lady D talks she wants to be anywhere but where we are now and spain would be flipping awesome.

TBM loved Colorado and everything about it bro, but to be in spain near the beach and living behind Wiz would me AMAZING :dance2:

What are they asking for it Wiz?

Cheers FD..that made me Laugh...

Just learn from NC..never be tempted to give the guy a "Tip"....:smokebuds:

ahh yes no worries on that one. the only one that gets tips that way is caregiver the rest can either have cash or veggies. Im a lil greedy with the canna :lol:
now he knows we grow...and I Hate anybody knowing.
You don't know who he might mention it to..

yup... i know that feelin...
Got caught with yer pants down eh wiz. Hopefully nothing comes of it in terms of theft or the law. I will have my fingers crossed for you either way. Spain is pretty liberal in there views of cannabis. If I get caught with my pants down in my home state I am going to spend ten years in prison for my little babies. Needless to say someone needs to be kicking my door in to catch me with anything hanging out. My door does not get answered without a once over and some air-freshener, no exceptions ever. I have had to "train" my woman to think like that as well. She hasn't lived on the other side of the law at all until now. I have spent the better part of my life at odds with the law so I am conditioned for it at this point.

I have same policy... I wont answer that door with my chamber open or anything in visible sight... even when I do... no one I havent knwn for years comes in... and if they try it you can bet your ass theyll be on their ass in a pile in my yard... if they are lucky! :)
sounds like a plan to me and by the way Lady D talks she wants to be anywhere but where we are now and spain would be flipping awesome.
Ah..she has itchy feet...thought that might happen once you started investigating different counties and jobs..
I was saying to TBM..
the twisters might have been the straw that broke the camels back.

TBM loved Colorado and everything about it bro, but to be in spain near the beach and living behind Wiz would me AMAZING

Yay....:ama:...don't forget to bring your Magicflyte....:smokebuds:

Ha ha ha..we would never get ANY WORK done..:lol:

What are they asking for it Wiz?

I haven't asked..it might tempt me to remortgage...and keep it as a girl house..
I could just knock straigh through from mine....ha ha ha...

Friend over the road that I helped...his house cost him 120,000 euros at the peak of the market..
estate agent now says 60,000 euros..so he wouldn't put it up for sale.

So I think they will be wanting about 50-55,000 for the one behind me..

The recession has Killed the housing.

ahh yes no worries on that one. the only one that gets tips that way is caregiver the rest can either have cash or veggies.

Sounds Safe to me....:D

Im a lil greedy with the canna

Ha ha..ditto...:smokebuds:..better safe than sorry ..

the less people know the better.

Hopefully...I'll get caught up with you..and the girls.. in the next couple of days bro..
when I'm away..there is no phone..no tv..so I'm guessing a net connection is out of the question too..:D
Well I got a call from a friend of mine a little while ago. The police showed up at his house to ask about his gardening habits. Luckily there was no warrant so they couldn't come in. He is in the process of tearing everything down now. Sad day indeed. I am grateful he still has his freedom but just plain sad with the whole gestapo vibe around here. He was not quite as low key as me so there are lessons to be learned namely keep your mouth shut and don't have people over to the place you grow.
They give you a warning?. Nice guys. Was he bringing people in and showing them? All they gotta do is get a little bust with just a small amount and cops really threaten and scare and try everything to get a bigger drug lead. Think that's what happened or does he frequent the hydro shop and chat and the cops decided to come scare the illegal out of him?
well tha sux.... I'll put in more seeds tonight then... I have a policy... every hot poker they give us... I plant more seeds... OVERGROW them we will!

couple pics for you eyes to feast on:

uess not... keeps telling me "invalid image file" but they ARE vlaid... tred logout and back in too... dunno... I'll try back later... gtg for now... peace!
We got broken into a month or so ago, the bugger stole her works laptop, her handbag and her 200 smokes. he picked the smokes up from beside my Zen rolling tray that had a good few grams of bud on it and a grinder full ready to roll in the morning. They never touched the tray, behind the tray was a jar with about 3/4 ounce of dried cured bud. I say broken into but tbh, we left the front door unlocked and went to bed so ye could say we got caught with our pants down too, it was only her stuff that got nicks so oh well :p
That is about the way I see it to JM. Fuck them I refuse to let them scare me into a corner. Defiant to the end
I guess, I have a peaceful soul.
I just mourn for those that defy their own morals without TRUE thought to enforce their own exercises in free thought and authority towards any direction that doesn't lead to a resolve with their fellow man.
Smoke a bit and meditate on that one.
I love the Hippies for this very deep thought in 2 words, "Peace, man."
I will never mourn for someone that is actively seeking to destroy and enslave their fellow man. The problem with peace and love in the real world is that you can turn the other cheek and get slapped in that one too. I am an observer of humanity and all those lofty ideals of peace and love, while noble in theory, are not practical for most. The majority of people don't want to think for themselves in the first place and are more than happy to let others dictate their morales, values, and actions. Sheep will always be sheep. This goat could care less what they chose to bah and bow to. I understand that life is finite and I intend to enjoy it while I have it just not at the cost of another's liberty.