Morning Thai Buddha Man...:smoke:

Hope it stays quiet for you..notice you have popped a lighting thread up..
I'll watch that one...I'm not good at lights..:no:

Thank Cannabis It's Friday!

Cannabis Fridays are my religion...the day I count all my Blessings..:eek:

and def NOT going back to tap water! lol
Aye..I'm listening..

as soon as it became apparent the difference the Amended water made to the girls health..
it made me wonder what the tap water was doing to well..
The dog is already on bubbled..
the humans will be following shortly...:thumbs:

Well..better check the girls...caterpillar problems yesterday....:rolleyes:
roll some smokes..
then come back for a cup of tea and a yap..
Aye..I'm listening..

as soon as it became apparent the difference the Amended water made to the girls health..
it made me wonder what the tap water was doing to well..
The dog is already on bubbled..
the humans will be following shortly...

Thats a great idea... never thought of keeping abubbler res for myself I'll have to pick up a new cheap air pump and couple o air rods... The cats an I could use the extra 02! I've definetly noticed a marked improvement from the tap water to the snow/rain water. I figured the stream is the closes source near that.. Tried another stream the other night thats a tributary to the one i pulled from today... ph @ 8.2 there! I said ughh! bubled it anyway to see... 7.5 final stabilzed... I like the snow water comes out at 6.8 after bubble stabilization... we'll see what this other bigger stream does.

Gotta start water sequence on my girls as well... ttyl

Mornin zero...

Glad to hear that the bubbler is effective for humans as well.

I'm smokin kona Mist... ground up fine through my glass bowl pipe. Puttin the chocos down for a day or 2 actually... been pretty screwed up from em! need a breather! lol

Morning ZERO.....:smoke:

I hear ya TBH...gonna be doing some thinking on this in the med thread when I get a chance.
Most of the chronic med heads I know suffer from a malabsorbtion problem..
whether they know it or not.
Got a Funny may be nute lock-out..
Definietly needs exploring.

We will Bounce it around.

So what is everyone wake 'n baking on this morning?
Oh..a cheeky little afghan..with ozone..on the morning walk..:smoke:

What is JH like in the pipe...mouth coating tang..?
I got some old school home grow skunk mixed with some menthol tobacco my stash is running a little low like almost out low. battery is flat...
made a few smokes..put the water on bubble...put the kettle on..and thought I'd spend an hour with you while it charged...:smoke:
sweet! Just havin cup #2 of my tea myself... waters bubblin... fianl results shortly
girls are drainin... at least everybody that needed water.....


yesterday my red wigglers, lady bugs, and kelp seaweed/fish ferts came!
Worms are happily munching on bannana and sald leftovers, and lady gus are happily munching on the damn thrips... and basking in the "Sunlight".. gave em a shot of water mist quick... lady bugs need lots of water... usually in nature they get it from the dew in the mnorning and rainstorms or irrigation... just a tip
I apologize if I dont contribute much in the next few days cause my back has been really messed up and its causing alot of issues. But its good to see every things running on track for you fellas.
thanks zero... sorry to hear your back is so bad... good karma sent my friend... and good vibes
