Morning Budz.......:smoke:

Keep your eyes open everyone for member '1,000 coming in..kind of a Landmark for AFN..and it usually happens keep your eyes peeled...:D


Got lots of work on things and Girl work..but I'll try to get back later.

Morning norweigan..:smokebuds:

goodnight photo...what is it..?
It really reminds me of the LowSnow cross I had...

Back as soon as......:dance2:
Good morning all!!!

Another great day here as Violet comes down today.

Here she is one last time for your viewing pleasure!!! lol


Easy Ryders, Thelma and Louise...looks like they will come down this weekend!




Wow back-to-back posts - one to say Good Night, another to say Hello! Hahaha! That's pretty amazing for this thread!!!

Good Morning by the way! Hopefully you got a restful sleep!

View attachment 8556

Hahahaha ! mornings mate..
Yeah, that was strange - soo quiet at the sanctuary! :hump:

Mornings Wiz & K21701 !

Ey Wiz.. that pic shows a detail of the DR Sat Phen - i smoked it yesterday..
Potent as a tsunami & strong pine-smell yummy!
(Check out my photobucket album,decent resolution..zoom in..)

Ohh Ganja Godess... what a sight for breakfast! :clap: :twist: :clap:
Best hangover there is.. The "Sanctuary Hangover"
Nice concept...Bwahhawhahaa!


The other half just phoned from the UK..
someone has just driven straight into the side of the car..hire car...
on the way over to the Moms this morning..

NO-ONE HURT...TFFT...:bow: is gonna cause Havoc..
Hire car with £600 damage waiver..and it is suposed to go back to the airport at 6am tomorrow..
so obviously..
they are gonna have to go in today..tell them what has happened..
Both side doors stove in apparently....:no:

Other drivers Fingers Crossed they were insured..
But..I Think my busy day is about to go haywire...
all the hire details etc are over here..

As we always tell the don't it will all be sorted...
headache you just don't need..
man...sorry to hear that Wiz m8..glad everyone is ok.
Been in a crash myself and know how they can shake you up. Hope it all goes ok with the hire company...they can be arses wishes sent to you and yours
Nice work yet again K..
Seems you're harvesting something every month..sooooo jealous:smokeit: