This is the mother, It had a couple little variegated buds other than the one in the picture but they werent big at all...
How did the buds smell and smoke? Was their trich production as good as the green?
This is the mother, It had a couple little variegated buds other than the one in the picture but they werent big at all...

That's mom eh!? So she did have some white in her. Some of my memory of your grow is coming back to me now. ;)

Karma sent that you get some more verigation in the offspring. Still think a line of that would be neat. Even for the cosmetic factor.
Whats up guys? Just stopping by to see whats goin on. seems u guys are on to big things... Albinos?? Wtf that is nuts. Seems temps have finally started to warm up over here. It was 84 degrees a few days ago! Unfortunatly i am still waiting to move and cant grow atm... Soon tho soon i will have some plants to play with
Whats up Hookah!!!! sorry to hear you cant grow yet... you must be chmpin at the bit!

Love the white Bitter sweet JM.

Thanks... but that wasn't me... :)

I'll take Black Dragon or White Knight - both would be cool to grow

right on man! I'll take 2 of each.... to go..... Utah! make it 2!
Mornings people,Hookah & John - Sun is shining!

Mornin dude! mornin all! Waiting for it to come up here still... full choco buzz rolllin... have to say newest batch kicks my ass! whewwwwww! Combo of Low ryder 2, and autow widow and a lil auto blueberry trim mixed in... great buzz! good med effect... no pain!
Ah, I just saw on ESPN that KY got beat by UCONN:( didn't get to watch because of work but that f*cked my bracket...
Any of you have a winning bracket so far? Any of you have an NCAA bracket at all?
Oh guys there is 5 Variegated plants now!!! Pics when sun comes up its only 4am here, Trying to wind down after late night at work(way to much coffee)...

Another question for you guys, I'm thinking of growing some tobacco seeds that my Cuz from Western Ky(some of the best tobacco on earth)sent to me... Have any of you grown Tobacco indoors or outdoors? I'll be growing along side my indoor gals...
Oh and the strains are Kentucky burly and shaman's rustika and some KBxSR(Ky Rustika) pest inbred for pest resistance
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