damn so green and healthy.. ive been having some health issues on my end.. unfortunatly i can draw clearer images then my cell phone can take :(

I'll be getting a new camera very soon, this week i hope. and will start a new thread to journal the journey.

here is a pic i just snaped.. the next will be with clearity and detail.


  • ihatemycam.jpg
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Anon...just opened that photo and I have to say...I am Impressed Bro....:drool:
that is some Nice density on them...mmm..mmm..mmm...

then I looked next to the close button at what you had Titled the photo..and cracked up....:crying:

SO bloody frustrating isn't it..when you have gorgeous girls and can't show them off properly..

What are the health probs..I can't See them...?

I would still like to scope through on my telescope and see baby D chillin by the man on the moon
A few days for sure BOMBUDZ..they will be chilling by the Moon...
they are going Outdoor as soon as this bad patch is over and I harden them off a bit.

What happened with your sticky bug problem..?

Looks like ya got some color in those nugz?

I'm taking a bet gearbear that they are Anons JEM's..
so they are Probably purples...
he IBL'd...:thumbs:
Very Nice!
Lol! Good Catch Wiz! I hate my Cam:crying:

Maybe he meant personal health problems?
Hello all, I have been indisposed lately and haven't been on in weeks. I have also had a bad run of mutants and runts from my unknown auto seeds. I am starting to get my cabinet filled in. I have two of LBH's
sour diesel hazes sprouted and will start a couple more next week. The seeds were the prize from the first B.O.M poll, Thank you LBH for the new genetics. I have also moved to smaller containers, 2 liter bottles. hopefully I will have some pics worth sharing soon.

I am jealous of your bushes Wiz. They make me wish I could give mine some real sunlight. I tried putting one out on my patio but I was too paranoid to leave her out there.
Color indeed! :D

i bit of nute burn on some.. but two pretty much are dieing. looks like everything taht could be wrong is. you show a pic of a sick plant, these two will share features. decay in the leafes from the tips the mddle. blackening. spotting like rust. then lower down where some leafs still are they are completely yellow.
truly an ugly site. :(

its weird becuse there are other plants in the multi pot. but only two of them in diff pots started doing all this. they were the biggest too!

one i cut down and took out cus it looked to far gone.
wow, you def. could not see all that from the pic. Looked like some pretty nice colored bud.
life is good for the most part JM. Good to hear your BHD breeding was a success. I have more BHD seeds than I could possibly ever need so I am looking for my next flavor. I have two strains from LBH that he provided for the B.O.M. prize. They should add a little variety to my garden