I'm glad I caught you on, I've discovered something that you would love to hear...

Even the green pheno Mossy's JEM have the abitlity to turn purple...
The last 2 green pheno JEM's I have had I've exposed them to nights in low 50f degrees and they'll turn purple every time(atleast all 3 times I've tried it)...

I'll have pics up in a bit...
Brilliant NC...looking forward to seeing them Bro........:thumbs:

On the Green's...have you picked any Mango Skunk up...?
That is what I'm getting reports back is Stepping out...
haven't been able to check myself...I was plagued with purples..:D
I've been getting a ton of citrus i would say mango skunky aroma's from my whites but I've had a lot of reds also...

Its in the high 70f's today(in don't know what that is in Celsius)so maybe the color will start to fade in a couple days but ATM they are very purple...
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I've been getting a ton of citrus i would say mango skunky aroma's from my whites but I've had a lot of reds also...
Love citrus..IMO..True Afghan...

Its in the high 70f's today(in don't know what that is in Celsius)so maybe the color will start to fade in a couple days but ATM they are very purple...
It will be Interesting to see...
I have never had a colour Revert..
I would Love to watch...........:jump:
Ha..the photos have just popped up......:D

loving the mini greenhouse Bro......ingenuity.......:clap:
Ha..the photos have just popped up......:D

loving the mini greenhouse Bro......ingenuity.......:clap:

There is a little flap for a door also but its open because the suns out pretty hot today...
Its perfect for starting my Haze#1, It's the only way I can get them almost done around Nov 31 or Dec! But still its probably 85% finished when the weather just won't permit any more growing time...

Also I have my Pure Afghani Kush started and 2 of my BSxDRxHBDxJEM are in there as well...

My cross is showing purple from the Afghan influences I would assume-
JM.....the Total outdoors...with Peas..for the Munchies...
Perfect Pot Pot..ha ha ha...

You aint shittin bro!
That takes care of my patio fix... hahaha
Those peas in that pot would never make it to the dinner table.. I'd be munch'n out while i was giving her an inspection.
my thouights exactly!

but my Kodak gets me better/crisper more ture to life photos

My camera is a Kodak... 2.3 megapixel from 2001 still takes damn good photos for something so outdated.

loving the mini greenhouse Bro......ingenuity.......
I've had visions of similar floating in my head all winter! love it!
Love citrus..IMO..True Afghan...

It will be Interesting to see...
I have never had a colour Revert..
I would Love to watch...........:jump:

I've had the first green pheno JEM that I left outside in dead winter turn almost black then when I put her back in the greenroom she turned back green within 5 days...
I think the reason you've never witnessed a colour revert is because of your warm climate...

I've seen this with my Pure Afghan before and *STITCH* Mi5 will turn purple in cold climates because of the Afghan so I think that is why the JEM will do it as well...
IMO Afghan land race is superior genetics compared to the majority but I'd love to have an Chinese land race to turn auto, Wouldn't an AF that can have leaf buds like the Chinese land races do be awesome?
not too sure what they are But..I would recommend going in with a drop of washing-up/liquid soap and water spray...
it is about the Simplest..least damaging treatment to try First..

One Drop of liquid soap..to a pint of water..get a bit of a froth on..and it drowns them.

As with all treatments...turn the lights off..or you risk Scorch.

Spray them under all the leaves..try to avoid the buds...soap and water is a wetting agent..so it Could over wet the Bud.

Good idea is to treat..leave them a couple of hours to dry off..then set an oscilating fan on them..
air-flow is Good....:thumbs:

Then...don't feed them for a few days..food and stress lead to mold in AF's.

Also...try putting a little sugar water in the grow box..the bugs Should be attracted to it and it may make it easier for you to trap and kill them.

Save them feeding on the girls.

What is your Normal ph on your Tap water...most tend to be PH 7 or above...
couple of Good flushes with that should start to amend the soil PH..without being too harsh.

You need to Puddle the soil...that is you pour so much water in that the whole surface of the soil is covered..
then you let it drain..and it will flush the crap out.

You will obviously encounter Run-off...so do it over a bucket or something.

If you don't get run-off...you don't have enough water on them...:thumbs:

HEY THNX for that... for the bugs i would really need to spray buds but dont want to. I will try the sugar water and see, cause they arent on the leaves more at the stems/ branches just under buds or in them i have none that i see on leaves...but I do find their sticky stuff on the leaves of my Auto AK clone.. Funny thing is that they are only on my Auto AK the amazon one and the clone and they are in different rooms...the clone is with La Blanca but L.B. has none....my water is from 6.5 to 7..as for the ph prob i did a flush I think its around 6-6.+ but Ill check it again when they wake up she looks bad...here are some piks of the sticky leaves...

Its in the high 70f's today(in don't know what that is in Celsius)so maybe the color will start to fade in a couple days but ATM they are very purple...
I read somewhere that a deifference in temp between day and night of 15 degrees (cant remember if its F or C) will cause purples and colors in general to show out.
Haven't had any real chance to experiment with it... but I can tell you my Kona Mist had Just green all season... until about seoptember here.. when temsp really swing high low day night (at least 15 deg F)

Bombudz... I wish I had some better help for you bro... been rackin my head..... maybe mix a little neem oil in with that soap (1tsp per gallon) and water through... at least prevent more larvae or eggs or whatever from hatching... they do like like fruit flies... although its hard to tell ... could be gnats too...

Actually... Gardeningzone.com has lady bugs... theyd do em in with no chemicals... keep flushing for ph correction....

Corrective anit-bug Karma Sent mate!
Morning Buds..........:smoke:

By...I Think it is going to be a Lovely day today....

first time this year I have been down to the sea in my flip-flops..bliss..sigh..
I Hate wearing shoes..:D

I've got a feed bubbling upstairs..this sun will raise the girls transpiration rate..
and they will suck up the ferts and oxygen..mmm...mmm...mmm...

I can here them all upstairs singing feed me..feed me Now...:D


The pea/pot is making me smile...the girls are really pulling up with the warmer night temps..making their break for freedom.


Now they are a fair sized girl for outdoor off season...
between 10-12 hours natural light..lowest temp minus 2 C...wind chill minus 4 C.

HARDY little Buggers....Hearts like Lions....I Love my AF's....:clap:
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