One of those fd ones look real sati for a first set of leaves.
Hey all i have a prob that needs to be resolved quickly...first I need to know what bugs these are...they start white then go brown..also leaving a a shell of their previous body behind. They are also leaving sticky shit on my leaves and look to be eating young flowers...I would like to know what i can use against them so late in flower i prob have a week maybe 2 my arsenal i have neem oil...and safers insect killing soap...dont know if i should use these so late in flower...dont want to damage trichs or buds or get mold....ive had enough mold this grow...they look like white flies from some pics on the net but the white flies im use to stay in clusters and are smaller and look powdery...these kinda remind me of a type a fruit fly.....there isnt alot of them i really have to look for them which is hard...there arent any of the small babies that you see under leaves like with whiteflies.... that here are some piks of them....





and the other emergency is in my absense seems my caretaker hasnt been taken care of my babies that good so i have a plant now with soil ph 5.5 or so twisted leaves you name it ive been tryin to use baking soda to ph up my water but im not getting anywhere...all i have is limestone or maybe its quicklime i guess for cooking ...are there any home rememdies i could use dont think i can get to any stores today to look for anything else .....any and all help greatly apprec...
not too sure what they are But..I would recommend going in with a drop of washing-up/liquid soap and water spray...
it is about the Simplest..least damaging treatment to try First..

One Drop of liquid a pint of water..get a bit of a froth on..and it drowns them.

As with all treatments...turn the lights off..or you risk Scorch.

Spray them under all the leaves..try to avoid the buds...soap and water is a wetting it Could over wet the Bud.

Good idea is to treat..leave them a couple of hours to dry off..then set an oscilating fan on them..
air-flow is Good....:thumbs:

Then...don't feed them for a few and stress lead to mold in AF's.

Also...try putting a little sugar water in the grow box..the bugs Should be attracted to it and it may make it easier for you to trap and kill them.

Save them feeding on the girls.

and the other emergency is in my absense seems my caretaker hasnt been taken care of my babies that good so i have a plant now with soil ph 5.5 or so twisted leaves you name it ive been tryin to use baking soda to ph up my water but im not getting anywhere...

What is your Normal ph on your Tap water...most tend to be PH 7 or above...
couple of Good flushes with that should start to amend the soil PH..without being too harsh.

You need to Puddle the soil...that is you pour so much water in that the whole surface of the soil is covered..
then you let it drain..and it will flush the crap out.

You will obviously encounter do it over a bucket or something.

If you don't get don't have enough water on them...:thumbs:
Awwww thanks sure know how to make a girls blush!!!!!
Credit where credit is due K21....
I'm sure you polish them before you bring them on...
they are always Gleaming with Good Health....:thumbs:

JM...cheers for the Trics Bro.....wouldn't be Friday without them...:smoke:

Cheers got Mail.....:D

Uh-oh! Watch out! That's not hair gel or pollen he's putting on those ladies of yours! Hahaha!
:crying: Damn...Must be Friday....... :smokebuds:

these are my favourite from one pheno on the Dragons.
I've been waiting for it to turn up in abundance...and it didn't disappoint.

Right up to them...ALF was my Fave for Trics under the scope...
with a bit of work...this might oudo her.


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JM.....the Total outdoors...with Peas..for the Munchies...:smokebuds:
Perfect Pot Pot..ha ha ha...


Stoneyhomer...just sit with them out there....try to give them a bit protection from heavy rain..
That kills early germs.
If you cut the bottom out of a 5 ltr water bottle....
they are like mini-greenhouses..
just pop them over the top
might help you get through....:thumbs:

Any chance you could get away with a small grow tent.
I had a one on the patio for years from Lidl..£14..
it saved my girls lives on many occasions...:D

and my poor Purple Russian/DC....
I broke it the other day..getting it in through the storm.

Damn...she was a little Beaut too..
I checked the seed and they are looking if she decides to go down..I can Chop her quickly..
That takes care of my patio fix... hahaha

Those peas in that pot would never make it to the dinner table.. I'd be munch'n out while i was giving her an inspection.


I'm glad I caught you on, I've discovered something that you would love to hear...

Even the green pheno Mossy's JEM have the abitlity to turn purple...
The last 2 green pheno JEM's I have had I've exposed them to nights in low 50f degrees and they'll turn purple every time(atleast all 3 times I've tried it)...

I'll have pics up in a bit...
Those peas in that pot would never make it to the dinner table.. I'd be munch'n out while i was giving her an inspection.
Ha ha..That will be me too..IF I can get them before the dog..she has a passion for them too....
I'll Fight her for them....:D

I saw her going crackers at the fruit net the other day..I Thought she was after a bug or something...
then I realised she was after a Fix..
with the Visitors being here..all the girls were away....:D

That takes care of my patio fix... hahaha
Wish I had better photos Bro...the alternate camera is not doing them justice at all.

My Dad always is not the camera you are paying is the Lens.
On paper the alternate camera is probably better spec..
but my Kodak gets me better/crisper more ture to life photos.
