Running autos 24/7 does not reduce potency, its a MYTH

Man Of Green said it. I'm not gonna bother looking for the post, it exists tho.

I don't believe much of what he posts, the rest of the mods are usually on point. He posts his subjective opinions as facts.
I also tend to listen to those who has hundreds of plants move through their hands monthly. Even given the years I've grown, MOG has seen many thousand more plants than me.
Some of us are just hobby growers, or maybe the occasional old outlaw grower... others work in commercial ops and have for quite a while... there are reasons he's a mod, and reasons I will defer to his knowledge over mine.
I believe what I see at my house, mostly. Just because somebody states they have X amount of experience doesn't make it so.

And some are more talented then others, but there are many ways to succesfully grow weed. It's not hard.
A few mods here say it does reduce potency. I chose to believe Mephisto, cuz I've seen the plants that the disputers grow.

"bro science" still lives on I guess....

Man Of Green said it. I'm not gonna bother looking for the post, it exists tho.

I don't believe much of what he posts, the rest of the mods are usually on point. He posts his subjective opinions as facts.

Okay bud what's going on here?

This went from vaguely calling out our mods, to calling out a specific mod, and is this even about lighting (really?) lol

I don't know if you and MoG just need to duke it out, or open mouth kiss each other (honestly that's what I'm rooting for,) but this is becoming really passive aggressive and I don't see this ending well if we don't fix the course.

I tried searching for this elusive post; I didn't find anything that specific that eludes to either or mods or AFN in general making such a statement or claim. I also have the power to see post edits that users make, and your initial post when you made this thread was NOT very nice or friendly (and thank you for editing it, but come on dude.)
Looking at the health of peoples grows is what I do, then I can access their talents. It's all anybody has to "go on."

And if I lived in an area with 15% RH you better believe I'd find a way to defeat it. And not give in to it.

It started awhile back, when I stated VPD was crucial to plant health. And then MOG started arguing that point with me, ever since that time he's had it out for me. I barely come here anymore.

It's about one mod, nobody else. And I'm a nobody so I expect to get banned I guess. I just don't post my opinions as fact, and I respect nobody that does it.
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Looking at the health of peoples grows is what I do, then I can access their talents. It's all anybody has to "go on."

And if I lived in an area with 15% RH you better believe I'd find a way to defeat it. And not give in to it.

It started awhile back, when I stated VPD was crucial to plant health. And then MOG started arguing that point with me, ever since that time he's had it out for me. I barely come here anymore.

It's about one mod, nobody else. And I'm a nobody so I expect to get banned I guess. I just don't post my opinions as fact, and I respect nobody that does it.

When you make it and take it public, it becomes everyone's problem :bighug: Members don't want to read trolling posts and see back-and-forth fighting. We can discuss things and not agree on topics and still do it respectfully.

We have a lot of staff members, it's natural you're not going to like all of them ALL the time (try working with these buttholes every day lol :hump: ) But I'm pretty certain that most everyone that helps us out does so with good intention, and that no one is trying to mislead anyone, and certainly not going out of their way to put anyone down or make them feel shitty.

I think the easiest solution would be to ask you and @Mañ'O'Green to simply avoid commenting on each others posts (but that also requires both parties to not make passive aggressive comments, jabs, etc.)

Banning you is not the solution.

You are "cool" and "logical". Couldn't ask for more.

I'm sorry it has evolved to this . I like all the rest of the mods just fine, btw.
@Couch_Lock I am sorry you disagree with my position. I do not intend for my growing beliefs to be an attack on you or anyone else. simply my growing beliefs and style.

Let me be clear on my position for these two parameters. VPD is pure science and I do not disagree with it in any context. I have stated that it is impossible for me to achieve in my space because I live in a desert that often has zero ambient RH. I try to run >40%<60% because I can keep my space in these parameters. I continually try to teach people to use VPD when they can!

My personal growing experience has proven to me "Bro-Science" that an 18/6 light schedule grows the best quality bud for the least amount of energy input. In my personal test trials the quality of the bud was better at 18/6 than at 24/0. Whenever I recommend 18/6 I try to state that this is based on personal experience. I also will inform them they need a minimum of 28 DLI up to 50 DLI in that 18 hours if they understand that concept. Your mileage may vary!

While we're doing random stuff in here. @Trichome farmer you get a promotion? Royal Purple these days eh? :4th::pass:

edit: I couldn't read that happy 4th gif when I clicked it, just thought it was a celebration. But its funny now that I notice how I fucked up, so it stays
nah you can change it in your account details was just feeling purple today :crying:
@Couch_Lock I am sorry you disagree with my position. I do not intend for my growing beliefs to be an attack on you or anyone else. simply my growing beliefs and style.

Let me be clear on my position for these two parameters. VPD is pure science and I do not disagree with it in any context. I have stated that it is impossible for me to achieve in my space because I live in a desert that often has zero ambient RH. I try to run >40%<60% because I can keep my space in these parameters. I continually try to teach people to use VPD when they can!

My personal growing experience has proven to me "Bro-Science" that an 18/6 light schedule grows the best quality bud for the least amount of energy input. In my personal test trials the quality of the bud was better at 18/6 than at 24/0. Whenever I recommend 18/6 I try to state that this is based on personal experience. I also will inform them they need a minimum of 28 DLI up to 50 DLI in that 18 hours if they understand that concept. Your mileage may vary!

I've had better quality cannabis at 18/6 than the 24/0 I currently run. I miss 18/6, but my environment dictates that I run my lights all day.