Live Stoner Chat Run What Ya Brung Friendly Battle

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I was thinking 2 pics full plant and 1 of best bud no rules just done by date I don't personally care how big a plant is I look @ over all structure bud structure bud stacking size never comes into play for me I've seen lots of big plants that may yield well but not to great to look @ unless ur looking @ the buds
IMHO, I can see the biggest and best form. I think they are both different skill sets.
Problem with yield it's unreliable if I grow a blue toof yield 2oz and grow a auto ultimate and yield 6oz people probably won't vote as much on that 2oz blue toof even though blue toof is similar to sour crack 1 to 1.5oz is a good yield on average so that's were I see an issue another thing is I almost always use 1gal pots so my yield no matter how good can be beat easily by anyone growing in any larger container , as a matter of fact I had to snap and bend this skunk 1 I'm growing now @ 56in tall I had no choice walls holding it up would have taken up a 4x4 no problem but my pineapple crack is smaller in every way but in my opinion a better overall curb appeal structure bud and plant so that's wat makes it hard I also look at grow style and time to harvest and also I take into consideration breeders notes on finishing time ect
Grams per watt might not work for me. My seedlings start in a 300 watt space, then get moved to a 600 watt space and if they go too tall for that they go to the 1600 watt space. My plan is to go more for form than height but---see my sig
If we cant run a bunch of polls then i vote the poll is for overall best nug. If there is a vote and if my vote even counts.
think like a contest for the best cover photo worthy bud or something.
Everybody can grow a sexy bud, but not all of us can use a 10gal pot and grow 10 foot trees lol.
If we cant come to some kind of consensus then ill suggest the communal grow again.
Its all good tho, im growing regardless but i think itd be fun to be growing with some other peeps!
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