Day 34
Ok after some great advice from Waira I have started to take steps on recovery for the Dark devil that has had the issues. She seems to be tapping into her fan leaves to early and also shows some signs of def, and yesterday I notice some calcium def coming in. Shes only just had epsom salts and mollases intoroduced into her feed so im going to leave it a couple of days and lay off the nutes so much to see if that helps things! Its looking like 2 out 3 of my DD have the purple in the , but the green smells a hell of a lot mors potent than the others....Overall tho, growth is still going great for the dark devils but the NL is not filling out like these are yet.... I have read they can take some time tho lol. Ive got a few pictures of the dark devil to put on so hope you enjoy :smoking: