Indoor royal dwarf brown patch on leafs HELP!!!!!

On a separate note how long before you usually start seeing other leafs come so I can see if they get effected more seeds on order anyway like haha better to be safe than sorry.:)
Hiya sorry again just wondering if you could give me any tips based on the pictures of how much water to be feeding it how often in tray or top soil you know like sort of teach me the watering routines properly would be really apreciated :)

7.days old
7.5l pot with tray
It's really not looking well tbh bro think she's about had it but still put about 200ml in tray and waiting till tray dries off before I fill again
She's not as bad as you think. I was the same on my first grow. All I kept thinking was... Cut her.. Start again. But trust me. Those leves right there won't even matter in a weeks time. Trust me! I was in the same boat as you. Keep her. She will repay you. :slap: keep at it
Thanks man and today the main effected leaf has started to curl up and die off I think but the rest look ok I think pictures will be posts soon though :)
this is what she looks like today and just had a disaster the bottom stem has snapped but not come off so I've burried it back in to keep her up and the leaf looks like it's had it think she is badly this time still trying though waiting and seeing what she does
Dude! For seedlings like that get yourself a shot glass and water with that.Be very careful dont water ON the seedling only around it about an inch or more from the sprout.This is helpful during the first week of life and will help with...

1. Hard to overwater when you are just using a shot glass.

2.stimulates rooting from the sprout as it has to "hunt" for water

3.prevents/protects the delicate stem from fungus/mold attacks.

4.makes you feel like a pimp watering with a shotglass.
Dude! For seedlings like that get yourself a shot glass and water with that.Be very careful dont water ON the seedling only around it about an inch or more from the sprout.This is helpful during the first week of life and will help with...

1. Hard to overwater when you are just using a shot glass.

2.stimulates rooting from the sprout as it has to "hunt" for water

3.prevents/protects the delicate stem from fungus/mold attacks.

4.makes you feel like a pimp watering with a shotglass.


so would I only give it the one a day then and today the plant looks very droopy think she's behind by a lot now and she's a dwarf auto flower I'm guessing that my overall yield is going to be massively effected if it carry on the way she's going any advise on how to get her back to health ?