Hello autoflower network! 
I’m new one here and haven't properly introduced myself yet. But I'll do that in a bit right?
Been growing autos especially for bout half of a year now and kind of trying to master some of the skills.
So my question was is it recommended to use root boosters/stimulators through the entire cycle? I guess we could leave the ripen phase out of it. But yeah, generally autos: more roots, healthier roots = bigger size of the plant and more weight etc.
The question may sound totally stupid. But what I've noticed recently is if root boosters or stimulators being used during the plants stretch/pre-flowering phase, the plants seem to stretch less.
Does that make sense? As the plant stretches so does the root growth tip and the lower the auxin levels are the less there will be lateral roots. Do you still follow me?
I've understood the root booster and or stimulators are usually rich in Phosphorus and/or Potassium(?) And don't we want to avoid all the excess P during the stretch phase to minimize the stem elongation? It just doesn't make sense for me because seen quite many scenarios now and then something that I've tried to apply on my own plants.
So heres my GG#4 autoflowers on day 34, in middle of the stretch/pre-flowering phase. I know that Gorilla Glue may be a challenging strain to control the stretch. But what I've tried and done is to keep Phosphorus ppm between 40-60ppm (my Remo nutes schedule would call for about 80-120ppm) and I've also tried to increase the auxin content at the root zone feeding VeloKelp and RAW's Kelp which is even richer in Ascophylly nodosum - to get more lateral roots during the stretch which should be visible in the plant as a shorter elongation and possibly a more sturdy shoot's stem. …Well didn't work well as expected, tbh there was no significant difference at all.
Now been following the Remo’s schedule full str which results in about 90ppm of P.
Should I add some root booster amongst with the base nutes and beneficials?
I'm growing two of these in 5L perlite Hempies and all the possible root space in sucha small bucket would be needed to fill, as well as the stretching should be kept in a minimum.

I’m new one here and haven't properly introduced myself yet. But I'll do that in a bit right?
Been growing autos especially for bout half of a year now and kind of trying to master some of the skills.
So my question was is it recommended to use root boosters/stimulators through the entire cycle? I guess we could leave the ripen phase out of it. But yeah, generally autos: more roots, healthier roots = bigger size of the plant and more weight etc.
The question may sound totally stupid. But what I've noticed recently is if root boosters or stimulators being used during the plants stretch/pre-flowering phase, the plants seem to stretch less.
Does that make sense? As the plant stretches so does the root growth tip and the lower the auxin levels are the less there will be lateral roots. Do you still follow me?
I've understood the root booster and or stimulators are usually rich in Phosphorus and/or Potassium(?) And don't we want to avoid all the excess P during the stretch phase to minimize the stem elongation? It just doesn't make sense for me because seen quite many scenarios now and then something that I've tried to apply on my own plants.
So heres my GG#4 autoflowers on day 34, in middle of the stretch/pre-flowering phase. I know that Gorilla Glue may be a challenging strain to control the stretch. But what I've tried and done is to keep Phosphorus ppm between 40-60ppm (my Remo nutes schedule would call for about 80-120ppm) and I've also tried to increase the auxin content at the root zone feeding VeloKelp and RAW's Kelp which is even richer in Ascophylly nodosum - to get more lateral roots during the stretch which should be visible in the plant as a shorter elongation and possibly a more sturdy shoot's stem. …Well didn't work well as expected, tbh there was no significant difference at all.
Now been following the Remo’s schedule full str which results in about 90ppm of P.
Should I add some root booster amongst with the base nutes and beneficials?
I'm growing two of these in 5L perlite Hempies and all the possible root space in sucha small bucket would be needed to fill, as well as the stretching should be kept in a minimum.