New Grower Roleadro COB--Rookie

Day-24- Yesterday, when the light's came on, I gave Lollita a little over a gal. of bubbled RO water PH'd to 6.5, the ppm was 0059. From the tap,the water is 8.2 PH, ppm 0049. Temp's in the tent this AM at 75f, RH at:yoinks: 31%, oops. Tryin to keep the RH up more than that, don't know what happened. Iv'e got so much room, it's nice, but probably not practical. Maybe i'll add a friend for Lollita.:jointman:

Why don't you enter into the grow battles, Rick? It's free & easy & they are giving away some really cool prizes for not doing much than taking some photos & posting what you are doing?
@SaltyReefer , doe's that fancy fan turn off completely in the tent, or doe's it just slow the speed of the motor? You and @Beerhunter CDN , both had similar set up. Doe's it hurt to have your fan off while your tent is closed? Maybe when the light's go out?:jointman: I find I can control the RH a lot better with the extraction off and the 6" fans on. PS- I have a speed controller.
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@SaltyReefer , doe's that fancy fan turn off completely in the tent, or doe's it just slow the speed of the motor? You and @Beerhunter CDN , both had similar set up. Doe's it hurt to have your fan off while your tent is closed? Maybe when the light's go out?:jointman: I find I can control the RH a lot better with the extraction off and the 6" fans on. PS- I have a speed controller.
So I have 2 6” fans inside of the tent that never get turned off. The ventilation fan only comes on when triggered by high temps or high RH (this is how I decided to program it). I keep two of three tent vents open as well. So in short, the fan is never on unless triggered. Hope this answers your question?
I just have a thermostat to cycle my extraction fan and a humidifier with a digital stat which keeps the humidity levels within a pretty tight range. If I run my extraction fan all the time, I lose temp and humidity all together.
Day-25- Thank's @Beerhunter CDN , @SaltyReefer, thank you two for the replies, one of these day's i'll get that right. I wasn't sure, but I knew every time that 6" extraction fan ran, it was sucking that good RH out of my tent. Now when it's cool in the morning's I can turn that thing off for now by hand and know it wont hurt my girl. But when she start's to stink? I better do some homework on negative pressure?, and VOP I think? I might have before, but I forgot. Salty Reefer , wow, you must have a nice set up, do you have a-T- from your fan to run 2 tent's? I will send a pic later today.---:jointman:
Day-25- Thank's @Beerhunter CDN , @SaltyReefer, thank you two for the replies, one of these day's i'll get that right. I wasn't sure, but I knew every time that 6" extraction fan ran, it was sucking that good RH out of my tent. Now when it's cool in the morning's I can turn that thing off for now by hand and know it wont hurt my girl. But when she start's to stink? I better do some homework on negative pressure?, and VOP I think? I might have before, but I forgot. Salty Reefer , wow, you must have a nice set up, do you have a-T- from your fan to run 2 tent's? I will send a pic later today.---:jointman:
Hey @rick-j , the controller does allow for a second fan to be connected up to it. They would be controlled under one set of settings though, not sure if that would matter for your grow or not. I’m curious to see what happens during flowering with the smell... Quick side question though, do you plan on doing any type of LST with your grow?
Hey @rick-j , the controller does allow for a second fan to be connected up to it. They would be controlled under one set of settings though, not sure if that would matter for your grow or not. I’m curious to see what happens during flowering with the smell... Quick side question though, do you plan on doing any type of LST with your grow?
Iv'e had some grow's, but I never tried that LST before, it sure seem's like the plant would get a lot more light. That guy,@Tom'sinflatedballs , just started that plus topping? I would also like to maybe try that bottom leave stripping. Iv'e seen lot's of you- tube vidio's of all that fancy stuff. But first, I had better learn how to grow with the basic's for now.:jointman: I'm messing with the RH now, it's like you said before, lot's of trial & error. But it's nice to know iv'e got help on this site.
Day-25- Lollita, I think I see some little pistol's popping out.:jointman: Or maybe it was just a very strong smoothie.
She is looking really good! Seems to be loving her new home!

I am still very new to this hobby, and have only harvested two plants. But 7 of the plants I have grown, or am growing have been LST'd. I see very little risks. The biggest one being that you snap the stem, but if you get her loose and nimble before the bend, and bend her over gradually over a few days, you really have nothing to worry about. I get that you want to perfect your craft before moving on too other techniques, but I think you are totally capable of tieing lollita down :p. Here is a good read on LST:

And if you want another good read and haven't read Budelee's guide to High Stress Training, here it is:
Reading that helped me understand just how much punishment these new age autoflowers can take.

Regardless of what you decide, you are kicking ass. You seem to have the RH down, something I am deciding to not figure out until next grow, and Lolitta's growth over the last 5 days is great! Keep it up man!