Well I'll find out just ordered everything and going to run canna substra lineWhy not.
Hey guys I'm just wondering anyone has grown autos in rockwool? I see people having great results with photos so I just wanted to see if anyone has tried autos
Dude my tables identical except it's a 4x8 and black I got 2 27gallon totes holding it up with a 17 gallon in the middle for the drain and a sub pump with a float for the waste water. I've heard alot of guys say with rockwool to give it a couple little shots of water throughout the day looking for runoff around mid day. And to hydrate the blocks to around 80% capacity and let it dry to around 50% before watering. I've always watered until 15% runoff with my coco every feeding and waited till around 30-40 dry before feeding again. How do you do it?I use GroDan Hugo 6" blocks. Some of my threads are in my signature. Here is a picture of my last grow and one of the present grow:
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I've heard that varying nutrient solutions and ph levels can stress the plant. Unless this is just with coco coir. I test my runoff to see exactly how much ppm my plants are eating then adjust it to keep the ppm in the root zone a little above what their eating to keep them in the sweet spot and not overwhelm them with excess nutrients. This is what I did in my coco grows. I know there's gonna be a learning curve with rockwool and expect setbacks and problems. You said you do drip to waste When you say drip do you mean actually drip or a controlled 250-500ml shot of feeding solution ?So the idea with slow watering in Hugos is so you do not create water channeling. That would be where the water just runs down and out without getting the cube saturated.
I run a drip to waste system in rock wool cubes. My drippers run 8 times per light period two hours after lights on to two hours before lights out. The goal is to achieve a 20% run-off of the total volume watered in one period. I have a three day cycle on the nutrient strength in my reservoir. For example day 1 starts at 100% strength the water level in the reservoir is maintained by a float valve from a top-off tank of PHed water. As the garden is watered the strength of the nutrients in the reservoir is diluted so by the end of day 1 it is about 88%. by the end of the second day it is ~ 70% and by the end of the third day it is ~50%. After the last watering on the third day I add nutrients to bring it back to full strength. It takes about 40% of the original nutrients to bring it back to where it started the cycle. At the end of the 4th set of cycles (12 days) I drain the reservoir and start fresh.
I ran my hydro style of growing at 80% of GreenLeaf's chart and had great success with it. This was my first run of GreenLeaf Nutrients. In the next grow I will reduce the MC in favor of a little more Bud Explosion (P,K). You can download a spreadsheet I use for this grow here