RocBud Rocbudinc Genetics

Bro your observation is WAY FREAKING LATE TO THE PARTY! I always keep it at the 20” but these bitches were photos and didn’t expect another 30” of growth after flipping them! I ran outta room and light is directly attached on crossbar as high as it’ll go and they grew that close to it! 1/2 tent was supercropped to make more room and still got right up to the light! Why waaaaay back in thread was talking about fumbling about to try to put extension on mid grow but decided against it!
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Even removed rope ratchets and stole clips off them so I could get light as high as possible but these bitches just kept on growing!

edit** I’m not scolding u just saying was fighting the height on these girls from square 1! Tried turning down intensity and still just kept right on growing upwards!
I get ya man. Some girls just get away from ya. That sativa looking GG#4 grew relatively crazy tall.
I get ya man. Some girls just get away from ya. That sativa looking GG#4 grew relatively crazy tall.
Ya my upper net is like 2.5’ off the ground and damn plants were up to like 10” below tent ceiling before I supercropped em!

Rockberry Bliss transplanted to table today. A couple of weeks of veg under the optic led 320slim and then we will see how they stretch in the flip.
How old? Got a full plant pic? I'm growing this next with HBSS girls.
Both of y’all get outta here with that shit!!!! Y’all keep reminding me I lost my unopened f-ing pack of grape dosi! I got the photo turbo version but autos went M.I.A. on me somewhere along the way and I have no damn clue when or where! :doh::cuss:
Both of y’all get outta here with that shit!!!! Y’all keep reminding me I lost my unopened f-ing pack of grape dosi! I got the photo turbo version but autos went M.I.A. on me somewhere along the way and I have no damn clue when or where! :doh::cuss:
LOL! You got too high and your high mind put them where IT though would be a good place.

Your high mind forgot to leave a damn sticky note!!!!

Tell me I'm not right!:smoking:
Negative I have a Tupperware dish they stay in! Never once took em out so not sure how they came up missing! I’m hoping 1 time my lil sister was over her or her boyfriend didn’t jack my ass for them! :shrug: