RocBud Rocbudinc Genetics

thanks, I bet that one is gonna be phenomenal.
I am not sure what the deal is with the #4 Pheno, but I am sure its FIRE! I was going to start 2 of them last night, but decided to start 2 G-Roc this week to spread out the "Purple" Strains... plus I only have 3 of the #4 Pheno seeds and had 6 G-Roc seeds. I have to transplant my 2 Purple Scoops, today is day 12 in Rootmakers. They did great, but its time to get them into Juniors. I didnt want to do 2 Purple strains back to back. Will be doing a side by side with The G-Rocs, 1 in a Rootmaker and 1 Directly planted to see how they do and how the Root System looks once they are completed. I ordered the 3 Roc Bud Inc strains that dropped a week or 2 ago. They arrive Sat. So, I will do Iced Gushers first out of the Passion Punch and Purple RocBerry. I am hoping I get more Purple Rolex #4 Freebies Sat...if So I will do them after G-Roc. I also wanted to wait until I make the new SIP before doing #4, because the new SIP will be larger and potentially could help grow larger plants vs Juniors? Maybe or Maybe not, worth a try! Peace, slow
I’ve been wondering the same thing. Seems like the freebie pack is a bit of a mystery case we must solve.
I was told that it is a Mix of current stock and a couple of NEW Tester strains! Now I have no idea what Tester strains, but have asked. No reply yet. Thats ok, I just prefer to know what I am growing.
Alrighty then everyone! Can you smellllllllllll what the Roc is cooking? 2 G-Roc seeds day 1 above ground. Went a couple dsys longer than expected on my Purple Scoops transplant. I put some Kis soil in tbe bottom in anticipation of a longer time to trsnsplant. However, I can see slight signs of Hunger. So, now I know. Day 10-12 transplant NO MATTER WHAT for me using Rootmakers. Day 9 is cutting it close and day 14 is the longest I suggest goung in my sized Rootmakers. I have my 2 Directly planted Roc it Fuels on day 6 and looking good. I can see a difference in vertical growth with Rootmakers vs Directly planting. Directly planted seeds stay shorter during the first week than Rootmakers. I always get a little stretch on my Rootmaker seedlings. Not excessive, but more than Directly planted. I have not done enough directly planted seeds in Juniors to see the difference fully. However, so far the Directly planted seeds are growing faster and larger. By day 14 the Directly planted seedlings are noticeably larger. But I am also curious on how the ROOT SYSTEMS compare and effect the total growth. Will the Rootmakers grow as much Rez Roots as the directly planted seeds? I am not sure what is better yet, gonna take more experimenting. The only thing I know and promote with SOIL is to NOT use cups. Either directly planted or Rootmakers. Cups are by far the slowest plants and time is money. Peace, slow
Day 47 purple rolex in a 1 gallon.
Looking good! From my experience with Roc Bud Inc none of the strains are very small. So I do not recommend using small pots with any of the strains i have done so far, 1 gal would be the smallest I would do in Coco. They dont have a super Fast or short/small stain like Sour Crack or 24 Carat. Peace, slow
Looking good! From my experience with Roc Bud Inc none of the strains are very small. So I do not recommend using small pots with any of the strains i have done so far, 1 gal would be the smallest I would do in Coco. They dont have a super Fast or short/small stain like Sour Crack or 24 Carat. Peace, slow
Thanks, that's good to know. this one actually got taller than the one in my 3 gallon lol. I'll prolly grow the rest with 3s. Just wanted to see what a 1 gallon would do with it. Does pretty well.