cherry! So rare to get the legit aromatics there, so many named for it, most are disappointments,... A long while back we had this cat here name SaH, who had this cross called Detroit Lean,... I got samples from a friend, and it was amazing, the cherry stank they had! Does this one live up to the name?

:smoking: Stone is up to all kinds of good with Sati's these days, so hold onto your hat this year-

...AG/Malawi is a superb mix! I loved the AG's I grew, and what few African strains I've had were damn nice, choice buzz they offer,.... That's why I'm so hot for those Orig. Delicatessen crosses that are so fast, especially the 3-way African cross Lilly! I could never even dream of growing a true equatorial Sativa here otherwise,... I barely got those AG's in, one in fact was tossed due to late season and mold crushing it,.... Those landrace sati's are a bitch-

..best laughs I had here was from an old member, Astronomy, who tried this crazy Bhutanese Sativa, Purple Paro Valley,.. what an epic struggle with growth management! She looked ridiculous by harvest, but he got some unique lovely buds in the end, despite that Asian dragon queen bitch putting him to task for months!


... hope you had a stellar Holiday Robbio

... we need to descend like locusts upon Hec's place and savage his precious stash!