Sweet Seeds RIO doing Caramel Cream sweetness

Oct 20, 2015
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I have 2 Caramel Cream seeds that sprouted last Sunday. I was doing a seed order and I wanted to do a breeder that is around the forums and members have grown them.

They are going under 2 Mars 300 watt old style a new mars 300 and a Vipar spectra 300w.They are in a 8x8 tent and the temps run 72f/52H it has been in the mid to high 30's and the tent is in the garage. I am running them 24/0 schedule. They are getting just ph'd water and will for another week or 2. They are on week2 day 8. They will be grown with Green Planet nutes.
Hi my friend, thanks for sharing your diary in the Sweet Seeds subforum.

It will be interesting for sure and i'll keep passing by!
Sweet smokes and good luck!
Hi my friend, thanks for sharing your diary in the Sweet Seeds subforum.

It will be interesting for sure and i'll keep passing by!
Sweet smokes and good luck!

You are welcome buddy! I like to go to the breeder sub forums to do mine just for the fact that most of you guys I figure hang out and check your forum first. It I have found out specific questions to what I am growing can be answered by someone with knowledge of that particular strain. I am really excited to see how these turn out. I will keep my eyes out for you. I do have one question how is this strain with nutrients? Are they on the most part
very sensitive to them? I don't overdue my nutrients I even go too light at times. Would you recommend feeding every other watering or every third(is what I have been doing but I need to change that plan). These girls have exploded in growth these are taken about 9:00am so about 24 hours later.
I'm using the gobox nutes and cal mag on my Cream Caramel. Feed every water which is every second day. Currently on day 36


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I'm using the gobox nutes and cal mag on my Cream Caramel. Feed every water which is every second day. Currently on day 36

I haven't heard of the gobox(just looked it up) but I see it's general organics. They sound like a good batch of nutes and you plants seem to love them. Those are some nice healthy plants good job. I will take that info on the feeding,seems like she is taking to that schedule really well. I have found out that these are really vigorous plants and so far they like the 24/0 schedule. Those are some thick fan leaf stems beautiful stuff. Thanks for the info.
I haven't heard of the gobox(just looked it up) but I see it's general organics. They sound like a good batch of nutes and you plants seem to love them. Those are some nice healthy plants good job. I will take that info on the feeding,seems like she is taking to that schedule really well. I have found out that these are really vigorous plants and so far they like the 24/0 schedule. Those are some thick fan leaf stems beautiful stuff. Thanks for the info.

Anytime @Ripped In Oregon
It's my first grow, and thus far I haven't screwed up the Cream Caramel at all. Nice to hear about the vigor of this strain. I picked the right one for my first!
If you are going to go with the GOBox nutes, I followed a feed schedule to the T so far that I found off of here in the organic section, if memory serves me correct it is pinned.

Good luck man, subbing in for the ride!
Anytime @Ripped In Oregon
It's my first grow, and thus far I haven't screwed up the Cream Caramel at all. Nice to hear about the vigor of this strain. I picked the right one for my first!
If you are going to go with the GOBox nutes, I followed a feed schedule to the T so far that I found off of here in the organic section, if memory serves me correct it is pinned.

Good luck man, subbing in for the ride!

@Sleeveofauto wow for your first grow you are doing a really good job. Just keep on the path you are on. I think you did pick the right one I have heard good things about it. I always wanted to grow some of these strains. I can't believe how quickly they are moving along. I will update with pics in a few days and you will see a huge difference. Auto's generally are done establishing their root systems by the end of week 3 as a rule of thumb. Thanks for joining in here ya go:slap: