Rice Hulls instead of Perlite

Anyone out there using rice hulls in place of perlite? Was interested in maybe going that path. Could use some feedback on the subject.

They are organic. Which makes me curious how long they last doing the job of perlite. There is a lot of reading about using rice hulls in place of perlite on the net.

Most folks I've seen using rice hulls are organic growers seen them mixed in and/or on top as a layer of mulch from moisture retention. Heard nothing but good things about them

Maybe @Waira can elaborate more I know he uses them as a mulch layer maybe more? :shrug:
:smokeit: Honestly I've not tried them as a soil component myself yet, but do hear positive feedback...
If actual aeration is the trick, I'm not sure how well hulls compare to perlite/pumice which has actual air space within them, right?
For "fluffing up" soil, both are great - :thumbsup: ...hulls are stiff and springy....
Hulls do resist breakdown well for something organic...
As a mulch layer, hulls are tops for retaining moisture, and does help restrict access from gnats if deep enough...
I like how they stay on top after watering, easy to spread back over when displaced, and they keep that surface soil zone from crusting over after repeated watering over time, which helps water to penetrate and not leak down the sides... I do regularly use wetting agent too as a love caveat...