I remembered seeing someone do this just tracked down the thread. A morning read for ya rhyce..

Exactly yes... when I saw this I couldn't believe it... someone else was thinking the same thing... I mean it's aerating soil... plants love it! I had the pumps and kept looking at them. When I saw the soilponics thread, it pushed me over the edge... I am so very glad I've done it so far but we'll see how it goes as things progress... With this 'public' grow...
:digit: I can't wait to see how it works out.. I've been avoiding going organic be a use with my setup I need the highest yield yield per watt possible.. but this could be gold.
:digit: I can't wait to see how it works out.. I've been avoiding going organic be a use with my setup I need the highest yield yield per watt possible.. but this could be gold.

Thanks for your interest Jayar.

I was still thinking about exactly what will be going on in the bottom of the pot... I think I am giong to get a moisture meter for the bottom to see if my moisture sensors are giving me the right container/soil data... I'm relying on those PlantLinks to give me a visual of container moisture. Anyway... after I'm done fiddling with and testing things... I will automate the whole process and continue enhancing my nutrition program...
Tonight the 'container' will be getting it's first taste of 'fishy sea water'... first I'll moisten right around Esso with water... then I'll spray about a pint of fishy water in a circle about 3 inches from the middle... so it's not really feeding the plant at the moment, more like getting the soil going. I keep moistening the middle with water if it looks like it's drying but after about 5-7 days I just keep moistening a widening perimeter around the plant with the fishy water until after about two weeks the entire pot is 34-38 percent moist...

But for now, starting with a very conservative cup to a pint of fishy water to begin the Decay in the soil, in which, Esso will thrive...

I just wanted to let you know that I start my fertility treatments early... RS

The Esso in the Decay...
Photo Jul 07, 2 23 20 AM.jpg

...and a bunch of these fabric pots/bags... I love these fabric pots, they're cheap, sturdy and thin as paper and almost see through...
fabric bags.jpg
In anticipation of the kick-off of my next adventure... SOG'ing with and angle...

But first, I'm going to prototype a semi-automated water/feed/compost tea system... and Esso Decay will be the test subject... these plant link sensors I'm using have allowed me to be able pretty accurately give the plants just the right amount of water every time. So now with a submersible pump, hoses, valves and fittings, the sprayers and a reservoir I'll be able to water, feed, etc.. individual to multiple plants simultaneously and precisely... without having to lug all that crap around... it's getting old as fast as I am... lol

Then I'll tell you what I'm doing with the bags... screw those felt bags... i like these better...
Here's some other stuff I'm going to start fiddling with...

MIcrobial Inoculant #1 : 1oz : Treats Up to 50 Gallons of Water

TripppleCast : 98% Pure Worm Casting Blend with INSECT FRASS : 2 Gallon Bucket : Get 3 P's Every Time!

Boogie Brew Plant Tea, 3 Pounds

Dr. Pye's Scanmask 10 Million Live Beneficial Nematodes - Kills Over 230 Bugs

not sure exactly how I'm going to work them in but I'll have them at my disposal when the mood strikes me... I got a bubbler for the brew so I'll most likely work it into my soil moisture program... thinking of mixing the castings and frass with the lobster compost and top dressing the HBSS and Esso (at some point)... I'll add the castings and frass to my next soil mix too... The innoculant is more good stuff for supreme soil health... finally some beneficial nematodes as the final piece in my soil HMO program...

Prevention is worth a pound of cure... bllah balh bla...
