Mephisto Genetics Rhyce Saroni grows a Toof Decay aka Nanny McPhee

I hate when that happens. Last time I had that happen and the seed came off but a clear film was keeping the leaves from opening, at first I thought it was dying, then I saw the film, once I poked at that film those leaves spread wide open.
That she I was talking about was the HBSS seed, somehow I had 2 replies in 1. Probably from that video, I didn't know it posted. Bla bla bla, this day has gone to shit ever since I tore that damn bag, :funny:

About the bean though... I've heard it attributed to the age of the stock before, but we know this is not the case as all the others are up... however, I was struck at how tiny the cotyledon and true leaves are on this strain... itty bitty... i'd been wondering if that could be at all part of the equation? Though when you mention the 'film', when I played with the shell was when it broke loose and started wobbling... I bet it'll pop out now... I'll tend to the SOG for a while and then check it...

I hope this doesn't happen to the bag seed... oye!
Since the first Sour Crack started doing smoke trails, I've been pruning the SOG, doing mean water and food deprivation in order to keep them compact, sex early and finish fast as a mass of hovering flowers with big ass mongo bongos...

Everything thus far is working as I'd expected. They are all mini versions of themselves and moving right along with a third or more of them starting to bud out already at 22 days... being as they are all stripped of their bottoms and ready to become one mixed breed mass, I feel that it's time to turn up the gas and start hitting milestones early as it pertains to the normal feeding schedule. I'll most likely segue into the next weeks formula mid week... Time to grow some tops!
Photo Jun 11, 12 03 42 AM.jpg
Photo Jun 11, 12 04 05 AM.jpg
Photo Jun 11, 12 04 29 AM.jpg

NB: Even though the one Toof Decay is a week behind, I'm giving it the same feeding schedule. I'm observing that the more I treat the mass of plants as a whole or field if you will, I'm finding it incredibly easy to manage. Just pick one plant and make that your indicator of what the entirety gets... imho... works for me... field mentality... lol

Hey Rhyce, how much sledgehammer would you use for a gallon jug for 1 plant? I'm trying to do a hard reset and plan to add 10 ml of FF Big Bloom to the jug. Also, what ph do you recommend? :peace:

Hi! Sledgehammer is pH 6.5 and as long as your water is stable, I just add 2 teaspoons to water and just water the plant and let it sit 24 to 48 hours while, imo, Sedge clears the pipes and the water just helps whatever is there to actually work. Then after waiting, I do a water and 2 tsp Boomerang... After another 24 to 48 hours, go to the regular program you were using but only at 3/4 strength measurements... Finally, I really give a lot of the first treatment but am sparing with the second two. It takes me a few days to a week to get it done... If you're in a real hurry, just wait a day between each and the hell with it.... Hope this helps...

Oops... 2 tsp to A GALLON OF water... missed that detail...
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Wow. Those look fantastic. Are you sure you haven't done this many times before? Word of the day MONGO BONGOS!!! I'm liking the science.

Well... not with cannabis...

Oh yes, thanks for the compliment man... I'm eager to see what happens next...
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Hi! Sledgehammer is pH 6.5 and as long as your water is stable, I just add 2 teaspoons to water and just water the plant and let it sit 24 to 48 hours while, imo, Sedge clears the pipes and the water just helps whatever is there to actually work. Then after waiting, I do a water and 2 tsp Boomerang... After another 24 to 48 hours, go to the regular program you were using but only at 3/4 strength measurements... Finally, I really give a lot of the first treatment but am sparing with the second two. It takes me a few days to a week to get it done... If you're in a real hurry, just wait a day between each and the hell with it.... Hope this helps...
I may have to read this a few more times, or maybe in the morning when my head clears,
Wow! I have to note this! Don't even think I was going to bed until this was resolved or I'd killed the damn thing... Marcus Welby to the rescue! Damn! Second time I've done this and thank goodness it's worked. I got real physical with the thing and grabbed the tiny little shell with my man hands and using my fingernails pried a big section off, not harming the cotyledon... Phew and F'in A man! We've now got a mass of HubbaBubbaSmell-O-Scope on the way...

With these four I'll be launching a new Mars II 1200w led. I'm going to call this my "Set-it-and-forget-it" crop. They will be well vegg'ed, bent, trimmed and lolly popped. Then rolled in to the easy bake oven where it will be basically set-it-and-forget-it... feed, water, watch! It's Showtime...

When I get the dumbass phone charged, I'll upload a photo of the surgery... RS

Last out of the birthing chamber HBSS#4
Photo Jun 11, 1 29 34 AM.jpg

I'll let it go the rest of the way by itself... It will be interesting to see how this light performs with my style of growing things...

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