Mephisto Genetics Rhyce Saroni grows a Toof Decay aka Nanny McPhee

I've shelved my wikipini grow. The space needs some major tweaking to work properly and I just have run out of time. So two eaten seedlings and one lost bean later... Deep Blue C will be moving to become an indoor grow. Perhaps a SOG of sorts...

But that's not my next effort... Here's a hint.

See if you can guess this Marga!
As part of my current routine, I'll take some flea flickers off of the lowest branches during my rinsing phase, speed cure and smoke em'. It's a nice way to wake and bake off of my upcoming harvest and to learn how the buzz feels throughout the trichome maturing process. I'm still pretty new to growing and harvesting and this seemed like a fun way to learn about each strain's ideal ripeness from my pov.

Anyway, I had my first wake and bake of Toof Decay at 68 days. I hope it's a harbinger of good things to come because the high is thusfar is a bit of a creeper and very pleasant. Looking forward to my next sample. :-p
Ok right on schedule...

They're here!

Sown Saturday night and born Tuesday night... Oooooh...

Tangina and Carol Anne :wiz: Supernatural OG

Photo May 12, 11 52 22 PM.jpg

Carol Anne
Photo May 12, 11 53 48 PM.jpg

Using the Autoflower Organic Feeding Program (AF-OFP) as a general rule.​

  • 15 l fabric pots​
  • Roots Light Soil​
  • Nautilus Fish and Seaweed, Roots Buddha Bloom, Roots Trinity, Roots HPK, GO CaMg+, AN Bud Candy​
  • 2x Bush Doctor Sledgehammer​
  • Mars Hydro II LED lights from veg through flower at differing heights depending...​
Boo! RS​
It's hard to believe that Luna and Tahlia are six weeks old today. These two are just humming along in their 'clover flower' phase. Although Tahlia is within 2 inches of Luna now, she'll never measure up. Too stretchy... Luna has the best form of the two at 2 inches shy of 3 feet.

Luna(l)... Tahlia(r)
Photo May 13, 11 02 07 AM.jpg

Luna - Triangle Kush - DOB 3-31
Photo May 13, 3 49 42 PM.jpg

Tahlia - Triangle Kush - DOB 3-31
Photo May 13, 3 50 49 PM.jpg

Other than a minor seedling issue with Tahlia, the grow thus far has been smooth. Both are happy with light feedings (1 liter each) in between waterings (every other day) which has been the case since Sledge'ing at 5 weeks.

I took another sample from Snaggletoof - Toof Decay yesterday. Trich'd it then did another speed dry/cure overnight.

The trich's were all cloudy on this lowest and shadiest of branches. The smoke, once again was creeper and I love the high.

Halfway through her rinse schedule now, her older leaves are yellowing... Real pretty like a maple in the autumn. It seems that some purples are starting to develop too. I can't wait to see what happens next as we've surely got more to go.

Snaggletoof - Toof Decay - DOB 3-4
Photo May 14, 11 45 11 AM.jpg
Photo May 14, 11 55 51 AM.jpg

Wicked good ganja that Toof Decay