New Grower Rhyce Saroni grows... 1 Lemon Haze, 2 White LSDs

every time I come to this thread , I take mr Peabody's wayback machine to the mid sixty's, tripping around boston:RU Stoned..?:i had many great experience's around Beantown , while enjoying tim's concoction. from swimming at the quincy quarry's to a bloody gangfight at night in ronin park Dorchester:howdy:(we won):banghead: some tasty girl's you have there :drool:all my mephisto girl's are doing well too. even the mutant walter white:grin:
have you hugged a mutant today?:hug:

Hey Astro! Yes, I drive by places and think of some of the shit I've done there and I can't believe it... What a life!

Hugged my mutant today? Smoked her!!! It was a Grapefruit dominant Auto Berry mutant. Nice shit.

I also whacked off a hunk of White LSD, dehydrated it and rolled it with some cured chafe. I could drop this plant now and smoke the whole thing. Way better than any White LSD I've ever tried. But I'll wait...

tapping fingers.gif
Yes Trap, right after that observation I did one last feed and got some more action. Today was the end of nutrition for two of them so I did another Sledge and will just give water for the next ten or so days... I guess... Thoughts?

Sounds good! Though you prob. didn't need to sledge again with that little feed since the last one.

Just go straight to the cleanse....but it's not going to hurt anything :)
Ever hear the term 'sleeper'? Well Micro Dot is a sleeper. While all the attention was going on elsewhere, Dot was just waiting to be able to show her stuff. She's got to be three feet tall and her cola is so huge that she's now got a curve to her spine... If she were all alone by herself, she'd be the star right now... I have not tried any samples from her. She's due to finish on the 26th. Rinsing now... What a fucking nice plant!

Already taking samples from Lucy (White LSD) and Alice (Lemon Haze). Alice is ok. Lucy is another killer smoke. I will most definitely grow another White LSD and pamper the hell out of it so as to get a mega plant next time...

Here's a group shot with Micro Dot in the back.
4-16-2015 In the garden 011.jpg

Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds - main cola - some mean smoke from this one...
4-16-2015 In the garden 015.jpg

Alice in Wonderland - Lemon Haze - mega bud that matured next to this bulb...
4-16-2015 In the garden 013.jpg

rs:tiphat:with these trippy girl's your going to be waaay out there!:grin:

Oh wow! That song takes me places. But I'm already travelin' this morning. Trialed some dehydrated bud from Micro DOT - Lemon Haze and that took me off the ground. Then I had some more canna-bacco from Chew - Bubble Gum and now I'm at least 2000 light years from home... Wheee!

Where to next Captain?

Set the controls for the heart of the sun!

Off to finish that spliff I'm working on ...

Open two windows and play them both at the same time...

Rhyce Saroni the San Francisco Treat

I feel like I may have asked you this the cat in your avatar a Devon Rex? lol
Rhyce Saroni the San Francisco Treat

I feel like I may have asked you this the cat in your avatar a Devon Rex? lol

LOL! Yes, Rhyce Saroni is a Devon Rex. He had a brother who's since passed on, 'Justin Credible' and my first one, Zippity Do Da who was a double grand champion. Awesome breed, they jump up and ride on your shoulders, walk on leashes, follow you around like dogs, come when called... Human like, but no, they're Gremlins!

Sorry... I'm baked and carrying on...
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aw I'm sorry to hear that.

they jump up and ride on your shoulders, walk on leashes, follow you around like dogs, come when called... Human like, but no, they're Gremlins!

My aunt used to have a gray devon rex named Beanie.. who has also since passed. she now has an obsession these - has had 5 of them but 2 have already died =/ They clearly do the same things lol