Grow Mediums Rez on from germ . . . The grow

Looks good with the early start of using res from seed. I might now have to run a grow this way to see actually for myself.
Right now I'm probably going to start my res a week early on the one and my other plant is at 2 weeks now. Didn't think
I'd be having surgery quick and wanted to run the 20 days before res. But gotta do what I need to keep this run going.
3 weeks in and doing good. Got the rez bumped up to 1.0ec at last refill. I'll keep it at 1.0ec right up till flower. It's also getting time to get the net in place. Which means I need to make a decision on the runt, she's doing good but might be too far behind to scrog properly with the larger girl. I do believe I could fill the net with just the big girl.


Outside that, a tip for anyone looking to try this. One thing I've learned is that due too not top watering the coco never gets compressed. What this means is you may need to support your seedling for the first week or two. With the coco still being so light and airy there's not alot of support until the root mass has gotten to a sufficient size. Took about the first week and a half for me. Another possible solution would be to start in a rapid rooter, just for the added support they offer seedlings due to their density.
Another observation is growth, I notice alot of similarities with dwc. Where growth is slow for the first week or so, then just explodes.
Some added tips for those looking to try this.

1. Test your nutrients. Mix up a batch and see how it reacts over a week's time. How's the ph stability? Does it precipitate out and fall to the bottom? You wanna know you can walk away and be ok.
2. You may need to empty and refill your rez before it's empty. If you don't know what your stain likes from the get go, you have to be able to bump feed quickly. So don't dump 10 gallons in. Start with 2-3 gallons.
3. Let the system run without seeds for atleast a day or two. Preferably two. You wanna see that the system is cycling. It also means the coco is as saturated as it's ever gonna get.

Otherwise so far I find this to be a incredibly laid back style of growing.
4th week and alls good. Started training the plants and did a slight trim to clean up under the net. Decided to leave the runt and just see what it does. Rez is at 1.0ec, 5.8ph*.

*with my water and mega crop at 1.0ec, I don't have to ph adjust. Helps with stability, there's no drift. I honestly just mix to 1.0ec and don't check ph anymore.

As an aside, figured I'd post a pic or two of a different test grow. Got some freebie kush seeds with one of my previous orders. Well the packaging didn't say if they were the auto or photo version. Threw one in a small pot stolen from my wife. Left it to grow in the living room, so still don't know if it's auto or photo honestly lol. Fed at 1.0ec during veg, bumped to 1.2ec during stretch. During flower I drop mega back down to 1.0ec, and use bud explosion to get back to 1.2ec. She's only got another week or so to go.

Week 5 is done. Just continue to train, and let them grow. Raised rez to 1.1ec, still just mega crop. Gave the smaller one a trim. Nothing big to report.

Here's a couple pics of the other tent with the pair started at 1.0ec from germ. Think i had the lights a little close, no real stretch, just short and bushy. I've started training these earlier with the net closer to the pot. Training is another of my weaker points. I'm trying to get better and working out what technique is best for me.

Between the two grows I think .8ec is the sweet spot for this strain to start. With a raise to 1.0ec at about the 2 week mark. I'll try that next time i grow this one. Got plenty of seeds left.
This is an excellent thread man...starting a 4 pot system up late next month...thanks for your effort here with the germ in pot and the notes along the way, invaluable info...nice work so far!!
Week 6, we all good so far. Upped rez to 1.2ec. Raised the lights a little. Still not good at scrogging, doing better in the other tent but this one got away from me. My goal is that nice even layer of buds. I'll get there hopefully. Other than that just letting her grow.
You have done well my friend. Great read