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sorry if this is a beginner question - when the term 'core coverage' is used, does the entire plant need to be within that space? so: a core coverage of 1.5x3 could encompass two 4 gallon pots, but a "max coverage' covers 3.5x4.5 which can obviously accommodate many more plants. sooo...uhh..^that^:pass: (phone dead, on the compy now:vibe:
@PlatinumLEDTom thanks for coming. Have you been able to do an average gram per watt estimate for cannabis yields with your lights?

I love the sound of my top feed when I go to sleep. I have a private waterfall in my head.

The best i've ever seen was 2.3 grams per watt. I'd have to say .75 to 1 grams per watt is pretty common
i asked this question when i first joined and was hit with some amount of backlash. best answer i got thoug was..
" you can have all the light you want, it wont make a difference if your feeding them gin!" it was a bit blunt but accurate none the less. i dont think gpw is a very good way to base estimates. ive got about 560w and theyre definately capable of producing a pound but you still got to get everything else dialed in before comparing lights based on that measurement.
Hello Tommy, my Platinum chum, I am sorry I can't hang around and chat with you and all the Live Stoners, but I just wanted to say a quick "Hello" and wish you an enjoyable and productive session with our members. Most of them don't bite !

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