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I'm thinking about going back to the kind soil....I'm not happy with the nutes I'm using currently. So far I've grown 2 with the KS one with these nutes. The KS plant had WAAAAYYYYYY more flavor and smell than this one. That, and mixing nutes for 12 plants in different stages is getting old really f'n fast.

KS is alright, but check out something like the master mix or the buildasoil mixes as an alternative before you commit. Mix up a big old batch for 12 plants pretty easy with the right kits. Still having mixed results with my noobness, but even better results with the TLOSoils kit than I did with the KS in my opinion (though your mileage may vary). :smoking:
Good night my stoner friends. I hope the boys in blue keep well away. I wish all your girls be fat ones and that your health and home life are better than good.

Keep the AFN Vibe, keep gossiping and sleep soundly...................Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....snore........belch......Kylie Minogue.....yes.....mmm....eP.
Good night my stoner friends. I hope the boys in blue keep well away. I wish all your girls be fat ones and that your health and home life are better than good.

Keep the AFN Vibe, keep gossiping and sleep soundly...................Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....snore........belch......Kylie Minogue.....yes.....mmm....eP.
Good night, eP! :d5:
KS is alright, but check out something like the master mix or the buildasoil mixes as an alternative before you commit. Mix up a big old batch for 12 plants pretty easy with the right kits. Still having mixed results with my noobness, but even better results with the TLOSoils kit than I did with the KS in my opinion (though your mileage may vary). :smoking:
Thanks, I'll check them out. :cheers:
Hybrid Hempy [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] clocked in at just about 5 ounces. Quarter short. Sacrificed a lot of small buds to larf. Tons of trim too.
Well I haven't been sleeping that great since dropping my daughter off to college. But today she called saying she's doing better and having fun. Just
super busy since they are cramming normal 16 week courses into a condensed 4 week course.

Now the crappy part out here on the farm is we had a few of the barn cats come up missing. Today on the way out my wife and little daughter spotted a
coyote hanging out close to the house. Looks like it's time to load up and watch later this evening for it to come in.
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