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Ash- she looks like there's some overly-wet soil droops happening,...
Yeah. She is not adjusting to the water part yet. I airated the soil. Poked lots of holes into it and elevated it some. I'll give her another day before I do anything drastic as far as changes.
Thanks waira and @derek420colorado
Much appreciated homies.
Dropping [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] this weekend. Going to try the super blueberry out. Then next weekend the cheese haze I think. Might use her for the mephisto grow off. :chef:
Going fishing again tonight. Maybe I catch me a big cat tonight . A giant flat head will do just fine by me lol.
Mang!!! I going tomorrow!!! Trout \pike.. Wifee loves fishing.. But i get all the schmokee myself!!!
Mang!!! I going tomorrow!!! Trout \pike.. Wifee loves fishing.. But i get all the schmokee myself!!!
I don't keep much. I fish for big cat for fun. I'll eat the hell out of some bluegill , crappie , and walleye. Just fish I don't fish for much. Not fun. Lol. I like a fight. Pops pulled another 45+ lb flat head out 2 weeks ago. Those are what I want to catch lol.
Mang!!! I going tomorrow!!! Trout \pike.. Wifee loves fishing.. But i get all the schmokee myself!!!
And good luck. Remember safety third. Smoking comes first.
OK am I tripping or aren't you in the UK if so what kind of catfish do they have in the UK LOL
A lot closer to you than that lol. About 12 hours from you lol. ;) If I'm ever in Co. I'll wear my flip flops n fast buds hat I won. Lol. My pops goes every now n then for dispensary bud. My mom goes often. I have never been. I'll have to send my mom to the dream farm lmao. Got a good grow bro I have known most my life there too. He is in the springs. He left here to go grow buds and be happy. I shoulda went lol.
A lot closer to you than that lol. About 12 hours from you lol. ;) If I'm ever in Co. I'll wear my flip flops n fast buds hat I won. Lol. My pops goes every now n then for dispensary bud. My mom goes often. I have never been. I'll have to send my mom to the dream farm lmao. Got a good grow bro I have known most my life there too. He is in the springs. He left here to go grow buds and be happy. I shoulda went lol.
Well you learn something new every day yeah if you're ever in Colorado make sure to hit me up
Well you learn something new every day yeah if you're ever in Colorado make sure to hit me up
Dude if I'm ever in Co. I'm a new resident. And yes. We will be burning forests down my man. And dabbing all day. Hell you could even help me with my bakery . Will need lots of weed. Cake'n baked bruh. Wedding cakes n fancy stuff. Catering. Not so much the brownie cookie shop. More like fancy orders type stuff.e

"My dream"
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