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getting that mature look, how's the resin build?, the ones I've grown have been real resinous
Well, I would say resin production is about normal but honestly having a sour stomper in the tent is really messing with my perception so idk. Sour stomper is just ridiculous. Bubba cheese buds do seems super dense though so hopefully I will be surprised when her day comes. I think that mature look is from deficiencies and my trying to correct them lol.

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Nice!!! I just (literally) dropped a Mephisto Northern Cheese Haze in a glass of water. I'll be dropping two portals in the next few days. I'm waiting for some soil to dry out a little before I can reclaim my pots (I harvested a couple plants this weekend).

Oh yeah....more like we escaped the black flies up there! They were as bad as I've ever seen them! :nono:
hmm, inlaws and black flies, hehe, Northern Cheese Haze sounds good!
happy tuesday everyone !!! woooo!!! workin all week!!! yaaaay.... hmm...
anyway, i am now officially growing purple weed? im confused.... anyone grown auto ultimates before? ive never seen any purple a/u anywhere but the buds are definately turning purple and doing so quickly. does this mean im pushing my luck too much on day 101? the rest of the plants peachy so wouldnt have thought it would be a nute issue. although i did change my entire nute range to dutch pro last week from my shitty, almost unknown "b'cuzz" nutes. also been over feeding them by about 25% ppm. got over excited with my new range and got wreckless lol. im sure they can take it though. they look sweet as f#*% so i think im ok. ill get a pic up within the hour . do you think i should be happy or depressed? its a good job ive got one of my very rare smokes of weed right now or i reckon id be panacking a bit more lol. ooh also I CAN SMOKE DAYS IM WORKING AGAIN!!!! yaaaaaaayyyyyy!!!!!!
with humanure compost
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