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right, the edible take away or maybe flyaway

Right on. So, this current batch is way stronger than my usual oil - I mixed my usual ABV oil with oil from fresh bud. (don't make oil stoned, lol)

I've been taking 1/4 tsp, which is half my normal dose. I ate a 1/4 tsp cookie and a big spoonful of frosting, lol. I'm way, way the fugg higher than usual but it's coming in waves. I seem coherent - in reality It's taking me waaaay longer to write anything than usual. :biggrin: Two minutes from now I'll probably be staring at the wall for the next hour, lol.
Canna coconut oil capsules are all I take for diabetes, and it takes care of it better than the meds I was taking. AND it helps with body aches.

Right on. Canna oil is goooood stuff. :)

and you make it yourself!

It's always better when ya make it yourself!
Best smelling weed in my line up.. man oh man I am going to go sniff the jar right now

I miss to sniff the jars...going to smell the buds out of there when i harvested, im gonna be so stonend for a whole week, i promise! I'll post my stoner marathon right here and let you know how fckd up i get since i do not have any bud right now, really clean and thats becoming boring, 4real! :cuss::rofl:
Right on. So, this current batch is way stronger than my usual oil - I mixed my usual ABV oil with oil from fresh bud. (don't make oil stoned, lol)

I've been taking 1/4 tsp, which is half my normal dose. I ate a 1/4 tsp cookie and a big spoonful of frosting, lol. I'm way, way the fugg higher than usual but it's coming in waves. I seem coherent - in reality It's taking me waaaay longer to write anything than usual. :biggrin: Two minutes from now I'll probably be staring at the wall for the next hour, lol.
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