Aligning strange emanations
So, I've joined a while ago, but never did a proper introduction on here. @Rebel are you tuning in, so I can get my first and second badge? 
I'm a 47 year old guy from The Netherlands. I've smoked weed for years when I was younger, quit for about 15 years and started again, some 4 years ago. I mostly vape now, sometimes joints (with tobacco, I know, I know...). I'm a daily user, recreational in some way, but let's be honest, we all are much nicer people when we have Mary Jane as our second love with us.
Can't wait for this wonderful lady to be set free all over the world!
Unfortunately, here it's still illegal to grow, but my habit is expensive and it just seemed like a great hobby and it's about time I just do what I think is right.
I'm married, have three daughters. One's still living at home. My wife loves my hobby and sometimes smokes as well. She will be trying my home made cannabis coconut oil as a replacement for her pain medication, though. I have two dogs. I love any music that grabs me by the throat, kicks me in the gut, or grabs me by the nuts. I'm like that: it has to come from the heart.
I bought a "plug and play" indoor cabinet and have recently harvested my very first grow ever. And I'm stoked! Thanks for all your help. Here's the grow journal:
I'll be on here regularly, because you all make me feel very welcome and I want to keep learning and maybe some day teach.

I'm a 47 year old guy from The Netherlands. I've smoked weed for years when I was younger, quit for about 15 years and started again, some 4 years ago. I mostly vape now, sometimes joints (with tobacco, I know, I know...). I'm a daily user, recreational in some way, but let's be honest, we all are much nicer people when we have Mary Jane as our second love with us.
Can't wait for this wonderful lady to be set free all over the world!
Unfortunately, here it's still illegal to grow, but my habit is expensive and it just seemed like a great hobby and it's about time I just do what I think is right.
I'm married, have three daughters. One's still living at home. My wife loves my hobby and sometimes smokes as well. She will be trying my home made cannabis coconut oil as a replacement for her pain medication, though. I have two dogs. I love any music that grabs me by the throat, kicks me in the gut, or grabs me by the nuts. I'm like that: it has to come from the heart.
I bought a "plug and play" indoor cabinet and have recently harvested my very first grow ever. And I'm stoked! Thanks for all your help. Here's the grow journal:
I'll be on here regularly, because you all make me feel very welcome and I want to keep learning and maybe some day teach.