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I gotta get one of those one hitters! Seems like a convenient way to enjoy some meds.....
Find brass. Heavy with heat syncs . Won't get hot fast like the aluminum ones.

But. I carry mine everywhere. Like through metal detectors at an event or where ever.
Never set one off. Hell I'm that rebel bad ass stoner in the corner of the smoking area at the zoo or 6 flags puffing hitters like it's legal lol. Knock out 2 or 3 where ever and move along. Best 4 bucks I spend on any smoking device Imo
That is pretty bad ass, it for some reason reminds me of Randall Pink Floyd's belt buckle pipe from Dazed and Confused lol
Lmao. O it's not attached to my vest haha. Would be dope though. Zipper hitter haha
i love my lil one hitter,surprizingly smooth.
Thats a nice one! How ya doing today Archie? :d5:
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