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Hey all.

Got whiteflies.

already: 1. put up pest strips 2. sprayed aerosol to reduce adult numbers 3. treated plants with hydrogen peroxide.

what else should I do at this point? They have decimated my crop, I'm going to have some very very disappointing patients in about 6 weeks :(
bifenthrin mate. thats what you need. white fly grow through 4 phases of growth. each of which has different resistances to different things. neem oil will do a bit if damage but wont fix it if its bad bad. readily available permethrin based sprays with a heavy residual would do more damage but you really wanna get your hands on some bipenthrin. thatl fuck them right up. not sure what public products best, only dealt with the proffesional stuff that you wont be able to buy. dont go for cheap though and youl be onto a winner. they feed directly from the plants nutrient supply at all stages of growth and breed faster than just about anything on earth so you need to deal with it rapid style or your very much up the proverbial creek without the paddle. also make sure your fly strips are yellow in colour. if theyre not yellow a lot of insects just arent really bothered about them.
oh! and as with all insecticides DO NOT USE IT anywhere near any animals, especially cats or fish! also make sure your reseviour if you use one, is sealed all the way round with tape. it wont cause any damage to hydro but the plants will absorb a small amount. 10-15%. it wont do anything but who wants shit in their cornflakes. zero absorbtion in soil/coco.
i swapped the oil for cannabis coconut oil.i dont think im cut out for edibles,smell turns my stomach no matter how weak or watered down it is.and i have a far from sensitive nose.
My wife is the same way. No matter how much chocolate or whatever I try to cover the smell/taste up with, she still can't do it!
heya Frank,all good i got 8 plants in a 50x95cm cupboard im a bit of an eejit.
whats cooking with you ?
Gonna have a jungle pretty soon! What size pots? I've got 12 plants in 2 gallon pots in 4 foot by 4 foot tent..on a perpetual setup. I'm hoping I can get the timing right, other wise I'll have to put a plant or two outside.
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